Barnes & Noble Nook HD+ (ovation)

Barnes & Noble Nook HD+ ("ovation") Cyanogenmod

Cyanogenmod ROM Barnes & Noble Nook HD+ (ovation)

Quick Info

Download CyanogenMod

It looks like we don’t have any roms for download for this device. 🙁


This tablet followed the Nook Color and Nook Tablet and was released at the same time as the Nook HD.

Source code

Nook HD+ Specifications
Codename: ovation
Vendor: Barnes & Noble
Type: tablet
Platform: TI OMAP4470
CPU: 1.5 GHz dual-core ARM Cortex A9
GPU: PowerVR SGX544
Weight: 500g
Dimensions: 240.3 mm (9.46 in) (h)
162.8 mm (6.40 in) (w)
11.4 mm (0.45 in) (d)
Screen size: 229 mm (9.0 in)
Resolution: 1280×1920
Screen density: 256 ppi
Screen type: IPS LCD
Internal storage: 16 or 32
SD Card: Up to 64GB via microSDXC
Bluetooth: A2DP, AVRC, HID, SPP
CM supported: 10.1, 10.2, 11

How to Install CyanogenMod on the Barnes & Noble Nook HD+ (ovation)


Modifying or replacing your device’s software may void your device’s warranty, lead to data loss, hair loss, financial loss, privacy loss, security breaches, or other damage, and therefore must be done entirely at your own risk. No one affiliated with the CyanogenMod project is responsible for your actions. Good luck.

Important Notes

This tablet followed the Nook Color and Nook Tablet and was released at the same time as the Nook HD.

Installing CyanogenMod from recovery

  1. Make sure your computer has working adb.
  2. Download the CyanogenMod build package for your device that you’d like to install to your computer.
    Optional: Download 3rd party applications packages, like Google Apps which are necessary to download apps from Google Play.
  3. Boot to recovery mode, and connect the phone to your computer through USB.
  1. In ClockworkMod Recovery, use the physical volume buttons to move up and down. On most devices, the power button is used to confirm a menu selection, but for some devices a physical home key acts as a selector. Some devices have touch enabled ClockworkMod Recovery, in which case you may be able to swipe to, or touch, menu selections.
  2. Optional (Recommended): Select backup and restore to create a backup.
  3. Select wipe data/factory reset.
  4. You have two options for transferring and installing the installation packages. The sideload method is more universal across devices, whereas the push and install method is more commonly used:
    • Sideload method: select install zip > install zip from sideload. Follow the on-screen notices to install the package. The installer does not necessarily display an “Install complete.” message. You can tell the install is complete if there were no fatal error messages and you have regained control over the menu.
    • Push and install method: Open a command prompt (or Terminal on Mac and Linux) and navigate to the directory holding the package(s) you would like to install. On the device, navigate to the mounts and storage menu. If you see /storage/sdcard0 or /sdcard as a mountable volume, go ahead and mount it. If you do not see one of these partitions, then instead mount the /data partition. Take note of which volume you mounted. Now, push the package(s) to your device (also, see tip below):
    – If you mounted /storage/sdcard0, then: adb push /storage/sdcard0/
    – If you mounted /sdcard or /data, then: adb push /sdcard/
    where should be replaced with the package filename. Go back to the main menu and select install zip. Choose to install from the same directory where you pushed the package(s). If you are installing multiple packages, install CyanogenMod first and then install any subsequent packages on top of it.
  5. Once installation has finished, return to the main menu and select reboot system now. The device will now boot into CyanogenMod.

Helpful Tip – SD card folders

CyanogenMod 10.1 and newer have multi-user support (introduced in Android 4.2). If your device has storage on the /data partition, then Android actually looks in /data/media/0/ for the first user’s /sdcard/ storage. ClockworkMod recovery symlinks /sdcard/ to /data/media/ though. So, if you are pushing files to internal storage in recovery and want them to be visible in Android, you should push them to /sdcard/0/ or /data/media/0/. Here’s the most frequent scenarios:

  1. If you’re coming from a ROM with Android 4.1 or older to CyanogenMod 10 or older: adb push /sdcard/
  2. If you’re coming from a ROM with Android 4.1 or older to CyanogenMod 10.1 or newer: adb shell "mkdir /sdcard/0/" followed by adb push /sdcard/0/
  3. If you’re coming from a ROM with Android 4.2 or newer to CyanogenMod 10.1 or newer: adb push /sdcard/0/

Helpful Tip

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How To Build CyanogenMod For Barnes & Noble Nook HD+ (ovation)


These instructions will hopefully assist you to start with a stock Nook HD+, unlock the bootloader (if necessary), and then download the required tools as well as the very latest source code for CyanogenMod (based on Google’s Android operating system). Using these, you can build both CyanogenMod and CyanogenMod Recovery image from source code, and then install them both to your device.

It is difficult to say how much experience is necessary to follow these instructions. While this guide is certainly not for the very very very uninitiated, these steps shouldn’t require a PhD in software development either. Some readers will have no difficulty and breeze through the steps easily. Others may struggle over the most basic operation. Because people’s experiences, backgrounds, and intuitions differ, it may be a good idea to read through just to ascertain whether you feel comfortable or are getting over your head.

Remember, you assume all risk of trying this, but you will reap the rewards! It’s pretty satisfying to boot into a fresh operating system you baked at home :) And once you’re an Android-building ninja, there will be no more need to wait for “nightly” builds from anyone. You will have at your fingertips the skills to build a full operating system from code to a running device, whenever you want. Where you go from there– maybe you’ll add a feature, fix a bug, add a translation, or use what you’ve learned to build a new app or port to a new device– or maybe you’ll never build again– it’s all really up to you.

What you’ll need

  • A Nook HD+
  • A relatively recent computer (Linux, OS X, or Windows) with a reasonable amount of RAM and about 100 GB of free storage (more if you enable ccache or build for multiple devices). The less RAM you have, the longer the build will take (aim for 8 GB or more). Using SSDs results in considerably faster build times than traditional hard drives.
  • A USB cable compatible with the Nook HD+ (typically micro USB, but older devices may use mini USB or have a proprietary cable)
  • A decent internet connection & reliable electricity :)
  • Some familiarity with basic Android operation and terminology. It would help if you’ve installed custom roms on other devices and are familiar with recovery. It may also be useful to know some basic command line concepts such as cd for “change directory”, the concept of directory hierarchies, that in Linux they are separated by /, etc.

If you are not accustomed to using Linux– this is an excellent chance to learn. It’s free– just download and run a virtual machine (VM) such as Virtualbox, then install a Linux distribution such as Ubuntu (AOSP vets Ubuntu as well). Any recent 64-bit version should work great, but the latest is recommended.


You want to use a 64-bit version of Linux. A 32-bit Linux environment will only work if you are building CyanogenMod 6 and older. For CyanogenMod 10.1, if you encounter issues with 64bit host binaries, you can set BUILD_HOST_32bit=1 in your environment. This is generally not needed, though, especially with CyanogenMod 10.2 and newer.

Using a VM allows Linux to run as a guest inside your host computer– a computer in a computer, if you will. If you hate Linux for whatever reason, you can always just uninstall and delete the whole thing. (There are plenty of places to find instructions for setting up Virtualbox with Ubuntu, so I’ll leave it to you to do that.)

So let’s begin!

Build CyanogenMod and CyanogenMod Recovery

Prepare the Build Environment


You only need to do these steps the first time you build. If you previously prepared your build environment and have downloaded the CyanogenMod source code for another device, skip to Prepare the device-specific code.

Install the SDK

If you have not previously installed adb and fastboot, install the Android SDK. “SDK” stands for Software Developer Kit, and it includes useful tools that you can use to flash software, look at the system logs in real time, grab screenshots, and more– all from your computer.

Helpful Tip

While the SDK contains lots of different things– the two tools you are most interested in for building Android are adb and fastboot, located in the /platform-tools directory.

Install the Build Packages

Several “build packages” are needed to build CyanogenMod. You can install these using the package manager of your choice.

Helpful Tip

A package manager in Linux is a system used to install or remove software (usually originating from the Internet) on your computer. With Ubuntu, you can use the Ubuntu Software Center. Even better, you may also use the apt-get install command directly in the Terminal. (Learn more about the apt packaging tool system from Wikipedia.)

For both 32-bit & 64-bit systems, you’ll need:

bc bison build-essential curl flex git gnupg gperf libesd0-dev liblz4-tool libncurses5-dev libsdl1.2-dev libwxgtk2.8-dev libxml2 libxml2-utils lzop maven openjdk-7-jdk pngcrush schedtool squashfs-tools xsltproc zip zlib1g-dev

In addition to the above, for 64-bit systems, get these:

g++-multilib gcc-multilib lib32ncurses5-dev lib32readline-gplv2-dev lib32z1-dev

For Ubuntu 15.10 (wily) and newer, substitute:

  • lib32readline-gplv2-devlib32readline6-dev

For Ubuntu 16.04 (xenial) and newer, substitute (additionally see java notes below):

  • libwxgtk2.8-devlibwxgtk3.0-dev
  • openjdk-7-jdkopenjdk-8-jdk

Java versions: Different versions of CyanogenMod require different versions of the JDK (Java Development Kit):

  • CyanogenMod 7 – 9: Sun/Oracle Java SE 1.6
  • CyanogenMod 10.1: Sun/Oracle Java SE 1.6 or 1.7
  • CyanogenMod 10.2 – 11.0: Sun/Oracle Java SE 1.6 or 1.7 (OpenJDK 1.7 works fine, but the build system will display a warning)
  • CyanogenMod 12.0 – 13.0: OpenJDK 1.7 (see note about OpenJDK 1.8 below)
  • CyanogenMod 14.1: OpenJDK 1.8

Ubuntu 16.04 (Xenial Xerus) or newer and OpenJDK: Since OpenJDK 1.7 was removed from the official Ubuntu repositories, you have a couple options:

  1. Obtain OpenJDK 1.7 from the openjdk-r PPA
  2. Enable experimental OpenJDK 1.8 support in CyanogenMod 13.0 (not available in earlier version). To enable OpenJDK 1.8 support, add this line to your $HOME/.bashrc file: export EXPERIMENTAL_USE_JAVA8=true.

Also see which lists needed packages.

Create the directories

You will need to set up some directories in your build environment.

To create them:

$ mkdir -p ~/bin
$ mkdir -p ~/android/system

Install the repo command

Enter the following to download the “repo” binary and make it executable (runnable):

$ curl > ~/bin/repo
$ chmod a+x ~/bin/repo

Put the ~/bin directory in your path of execution

In recent versions of Ubuntu, ~/bin should already be in your PATH. You can check this by opening ~/.profile with a text editor and verifying the following code exists (add it if it is missing):

# set PATH so it includes user's private bin if it exists
if [ -d "$HOME/bin" ] ; then

Initialize the CyanogenMod source repository

Enter the following to initialize the repository:

Note: Make sure the cm branch entered here is the one you wish to build and is supported on your device.
$ cd ~/android/system/
$ repo init -u -b cm-13.0

Download the source code

To start the download of all the source code to your computer:

$ repo sync

The CM manifests include a sensible default configuration for repo, which we strongly suggest you use (i.e. don’t add any options to sync). For reference, our default values are -j 4 and -c. The -j 4 part means that there will be four simultaneous threads/connections. If you experience problems syncing, you can lower this to -j 3 or -j 2. -c will ask repo to pull in only the current branch, instead of the entire CM history.

Prepare to wait a long time while the source code downloads.

Helpful Tip

The repo sync command is used to update the latest source code from CyanogenMod and Google. Remember it, as you can do it every few days to keep your code base fresh and up-to-date.

Get prebuilt apps (CM11 and below)


$ cd ~/android/system/vendor/cm

then enter:

$ ./get-prebuilts

You won’t see any confirmation- just another prompt. But this should cause some prebuilt apps to be loaded and installed into the source code. Once completed, this does not need to be done again.

Prepare the device-specific code

Helpful Tip – Errors during breakfast

Different maintainers setup their device inheritance rules differently. Some require a vendor directory to be populated before breakfast will even succeed. If you receive an error here about vendor makefiles, then jump down to the next section Extract proprietary blobs. The first portion of breakfast should have succeeded at pulling in the device tree and the extract blobs script should be available. After completing that section, you can rerun breakfast ovation

After the source downloads, ensure you are in the root of the source code (cd ~/android/system), then type:

$ source build/
$ breakfast ovation

This will download the device specific configuration and kernel source for your device. An alternative to using the breakfast command is to build your own local manifest. To do this, you will need to locate your device on CyanogenMod’s GitHub and list all of the repositories defined in cm.dependencies in your local manifest.

Helpful Tip

If you want to know more about what source build/ does or simply want to know more about the breakfast, brunch and lunch commands, you can head over to the Envsetup help page.

Helpful Tip

Instead of typing cd ~/android/system every time you want to return back to the root of the source code, here’s a short command that will do it for you: croot. To use this command, you must first run source build/ from ~/android/system.

Extract proprietary blobs

Now ensure that your Nook HD+ is connected to your computer via the USB cable and that you are in the ~/android/system/device/bn/ovation directory (you can cd ~/android/system/device/bn/ovation if necessary). Then run the script:

$ ./

You should see the proprietary files (aka “blobs”) get pulled from the device and moved to the ~/android/system/vendor/bn directory. If you see errors about adb being unable to pull the files, adb may not be in the path of execution. If this is the case, see the adb page for suggestions for dealing with “command not found” errors.


Your device should already be running a build of CyanogenMod for the branch you wish to build for the script to function properly.


It’s important that these proprietary files are extracted to the ~/android/system/vendor/bn directory by using the script. Makefiles are generated at the same time to make sure the blobs are eventually copied to the device. Without these blobs, CyanogenMod may build without error, but you’ll be missing important functionality, such as graphics libraries that enable you to see anything!

Turn on caching to speed up build

You can speed up subsequent builds by adding

export USE_CCACHE=1

to your ~/.bashrc file (what’s a .bashrc file?). Then, specify the amount of disk space to dedicate to ccache by typing this from the top of your Android tree:

prebuilts/misc/linux-x86/ccache/ccache -M 50G

where 50G corresponds to 50GB of cache. This only needs to be run once and the setting will be remembered. Anywhere in the range of 25GB to 100GB will result in very noticeably increased build speeds (for instance, a typical 1hr build time can be reduced to 20min). If you’re only building for one device, 25GB-50GB is fine. If you plan to build for several devices that do not share the same kernel source, aim for 75GB-100GB. This space will be permanently occupied on your drive, so take this into consideration. See more information about ccache on Google’s android build environment initialization page.

Helpful Tip

If you are a very active developer, working on many other projects than just Android, you might prefer to keep your Android ccache independent (because it’s huge and can slow down the efficiency of ccache in your other projects). Beginning with CyanogenMod 12.1, you can specify environment variables for the location and size of CyanogenMod’s ccache. Some syntax examples: export ANDROID_CCACHE_DIR="$HOME/android/.ccache" and export ANDROID_CCACHE_SIZE="50G".

Start the build

Time to start building! So now type:

$ croot
$ brunch ovation

The build should begin.

Helpful Tip

If the build doesn’t start, try lunch and choose your device from the menu. If that doesn’t work, try breakfast and choose from the menu. The command make ovation should then work.

Helpful Tip

A second, bonus tip! If you get a command not found error for croot, brunch, or lunch, be sure you’ve done the source build/ command in this Terminal session from the ~/android/system directory.

Helpful Tip

A third tip! If the build to fails while downloading Gello, you’ll need to import a missing certificate into Maven’s truststore. Detailed instructions on how to do that can be found here

If the build breaks…

  • If you experience this not-enough-memory-related error…
ERROR: signapk.jar failed: return code 1make: *** [out/target/product/ovation/] Error 1

…you may want to make the following change to ~/android/system/build/tools/releasetools/

Search for instances of -Xmx2048m (it should appear either under OPTIONS.java_args or near usage of signapk.jar), and replace it with -Xmx1024m or -Xmx512m.

Then start the build again (with brunch).

  • If you see a message about things suddenly being “killed” for no reason, your (virtual) machine may have run out of memory or storage space. Assign it more resources and try again.

Install the build

Assuming the build completed without error (it will be obvious when it finishes), type:

$ cd $OUT

in the same terminal window that you did the build. Here you’ll find all the files that were created. The stuff that will go in /system is in a folder called system. The stuff that will become your ramdisk is in a folder called root. And your kernel is called… kernel.

But that’s all just background info. The two files we are interested in are (1) recovery.img, which contains CyanogenMod Recovery, and (2), which is the CyanogenMod installation package.

Install CyanogenMod

Back to the $OUT directory on your computer– you should see a file that looks something like:


The above file name may vary depending on the version of CM you are building. Your build may not include a version number or may identify itself as a “KANG” rather than UNOFFICIAL version. Regardless, the file name will end in .zip and should be titled similarly to official builds.

Now you can flash the file above as usual via recovery mode. Before doing so, now is a good time to make a backup of whatever installation is currently running on the device in case something goes wrong with the flash attempt. While CyanogenMod Recovery doesn’t have a backup feature, there are other custom recoveries available that do. You can also use something like Titanium Backup (root required) as an alternative.

Success! So….what’s next?

You’ve done it! Welcome to the elite club of self-builders. You’ve built your operating system from scratch, from the ground up. You are the master/mistress of your domain… and hopefully you’ve learned a bit on the way and had some fun too.

Now that you’ve succeeded in building CyanogenMod for your device, here are some suggestions on what to do next.

Also, be sure to take a glance at the Dev Center on this wiki for all kinds of more detailed information about developer topics ranging from collecting logs, understanding what’s in the source code directories, submitting your own contributions, porting CyanogenMod to new devices, and a lot more.

Congrats again!

Content of this page is based on informations from, under CC BY-SA 3.0 licence.

Geeksphone One (one)

Geeksphone One ("one") Cyanogenmod

Cyanogenmod ROM Geeksphone One (one)

Quick Info

Download CyanogenMod

It looks like we don’t have any roms for download for this device. 🙁

Note: Support Status

This device does not support the latest official release of CyanogenMod. This may be due to hardware limitations or simply because development is ongoing. The most recent version supported is based on the gingerbread branch of CyanogenMod.

Special boot modes

  • Recovery: Vol Up, Camera and Power

Source code

One Specifications
Codename: one
Vendor: Geeksphone
Manufacturer: Geeksphone
Type: phone
GSM freq: 850 900 1800 1900 GSM/GPRS/EDGE
Platform: Qualcomm MSM7225
CPU: 528 MHz single-core Qualcomm
RAM: 256MB
Weight: 123 g (4.3 oz)
Dimensions: 110 mm (4.3 in) (h)
55 mm (2.17 in) (w)
15 mm (0.59 in) (d)
Screen size: 81 mm (3.2 in)
Resolution: 400×240
Internal storage: 512MB
SD Card: up to 32GB–>
Bluetooth: 2.1+EDR
Wi-Fi: 802.11 b/g
Main camera: 3.1MP
Power: 1110 mAh internal rechargeable removable lithium-ion battery
Peripherals: A-GPS, hybrid-resistive touchscreen, volume controls, 3-axis accelerometer, 40-key physical QWERTY keyboard
CM supported: 7
Latest CM version: gingerbread

How to Install CyanogenMod on the Geeksphone One (one)


Modifying or replacing your device’s software may void your device’s warranty, lead to data loss, hair loss, financial loss, privacy loss, security breaches, or other damage, and therefore must be done entirely at your own risk. No one affiliated with the CyanogenMod project is responsible for your actions. Good luck.

Installing a recovery image using flash_image

Use of the flash_image binary assumes your device already has root. For more detailed instructions on using the tools in this guide, please visit ADB.

  1. Download the flash_image binary
  2. Install the binary into /data/local on your phone via adb and set permissions
    • adb push flash_image /data/local/
    • adb shell chmod 777 /data/local/flash_image
  3. Download koush’s ClockworkMod Recovery.
    • koush’s ClockworkMod Recovery: download
      md5: f4456c56867bbf971ada405ce1cf448a
  4. Push the file(s) to your device via adb.
    • adb push yourrecoveryimage.img /data/local/
    • adb shell chmod 777 /data/local/yourrecoveryimage.img

Flash the recovery:

  1. adb shell /data/local/flash_image recovery /data/local/yourrecoveryimage.img

Installing CyanogenMod from recovery

  1. Make sure your computer has working adb.
  2. Download the CyanogenMod build package for your device that you’d like to install to your computer.
    Optional: Download 3rd party applications packages, like Google Apps which are necessary to download apps from Google Play.
  3. Boot to recovery mode, and connect the phone to your computer through USB.
    • Vol Up, Camera and Power
  4. In ClockworkMod Recovery, use the physical volume buttons to move up and down. On most devices, the power button is used to confirm a menu selection, but for some devices a physical home key acts as a selector. Some devices have touch enabled ClockworkMod Recovery, in which case you may be able to swipe to, or touch, menu selections.
  5. Optional (Recommended): Select backup and restore to create a backup.
  6. Select wipe data/factory reset.
  7. You have two options for transferring and installing the installation packages. The sideload method is more universal across devices, whereas the push and install method is more commonly used:
    • Sideload method: select install zip > install zip from sideload. Follow the on-screen notices to install the package. The installer does not necessarily display an “Install complete.” message. You can tell the install is complete if there were no fatal error messages and you have regained control over the menu.
    • Push and install method: Open a command prompt (or Terminal on Mac and Linux) and navigate to the directory holding the package(s) you would like to install. On the device, navigate to the mounts and storage menu. If you see /storage/sdcard0 or /sdcard as a mountable volume, go ahead and mount it. If you do not see one of these partitions, then instead mount the /data partition. Take note of which volume you mounted. Now, push the package(s) to your device (also, see tip below):
    – If you mounted /storage/sdcard0, then: adb push /storage/sdcard0/
    – If you mounted /sdcard or /data, then: adb push /sdcard/
    where should be replaced with the package filename. Go back to the main menu and select install zip. Choose to install from the same directory where you pushed the package(s). If you are installing multiple packages, install CyanogenMod first and then install any subsequent packages on top of it.
  8. Once installation has finished, return to the main menu and select reboot system now. The device will now boot into CyanogenMod.

Helpful Tip – SD card folders

CyanogenMod 10.1 and newer have multi-user support (introduced in Android 4.2). If your device has storage on the /data partition, then Android actually looks in /data/media/0/ for the first user’s /sdcard/ storage. ClockworkMod recovery symlinks /sdcard/ to /data/media/ though. So, if you are pushing files to internal storage in recovery and want them to be visible in Android, you should push them to /sdcard/0/ or /data/media/0/. Here’s the most frequent scenarios:

  1. If you’re coming from a ROM with Android 4.1 or older to CyanogenMod 10 or older: adb push /sdcard/
  2. If you’re coming from a ROM with Android 4.1 or older to CyanogenMod 10.1 or newer: adb shell "mkdir /sdcard/0/" followed by adb push /sdcard/0/
  3. If you’re coming from a ROM with Android 4.2 or newer to CyanogenMod 10.1 or newer: adb push /sdcard/0/

Helpful Tip

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How To Build CyanogenMod For Geeksphone One (one)


These instructions will hopefully assist you to start with a stock One, unlock the bootloader (if necessary), and then download the required tools as well as the very latest source code for CyanogenMod (based on Google’s Android operating system). Using these, you can build both CyanogenMod and CyanogenMod Recovery image from source code, and then install them both to your device.

It is difficult to say how much experience is necessary to follow these instructions. While this guide is certainly not for the very very very uninitiated, these steps shouldn’t require a PhD in software development either. Some readers will have no difficulty and breeze through the steps easily. Others may struggle over the most basic operation. Because people’s experiences, backgrounds, and intuitions differ, it may be a good idea to read through just to ascertain whether you feel comfortable or are getting over your head.

Remember, you assume all risk of trying this, but you will reap the rewards! It’s pretty satisfying to boot into a fresh operating system you baked at home :) And once you’re an Android-building ninja, there will be no more need to wait for “nightly” builds from anyone. You will have at your fingertips the skills to build a full operating system from code to a running device, whenever you want. Where you go from there– maybe you’ll add a feature, fix a bug, add a translation, or use what you’ve learned to build a new app or port to a new device– or maybe you’ll never build again– it’s all really up to you.

What you’ll need

  • A One
  • A relatively recent computer (Linux, OS X, or Windows) with a reasonable amount of RAM and about 100 GB of free storage (more if you enable ccache or build for multiple devices). The less RAM you have, the longer the build will take (aim for 8 GB or more). Using SSDs results in considerably faster build times than traditional hard drives.
  • A USB cable compatible with the One (typically micro USB, but older devices may use mini USB or have a proprietary cable)
  • A decent internet connection & reliable electricity :)
  • Some familiarity with basic Android operation and terminology. It would help if you’ve installed custom roms on other devices and are familiar with recovery. It may also be useful to know some basic command line concepts such as cd for “change directory”, the concept of directory hierarchies, that in Linux they are separated by /, etc.

If you are not accustomed to using Linux– this is an excellent chance to learn. It’s free– just download and run a virtual machine (VM) such as Virtualbox, then install a Linux distribution such as Ubuntu (AOSP vets Ubuntu as well). Any recent 64-bit version should work great, but the latest is recommended.


You want to use a 64-bit version of Linux. A 32-bit Linux environment will only work if you are building CyanogenMod 6 and older. For CyanogenMod 10.1, if you encounter issues with 64bit host binaries, you can set BUILD_HOST_32bit=1 in your environment. This is generally not needed, though, especially with CyanogenMod 10.2 and newer.

Using a VM allows Linux to run as a guest inside your host computer– a computer in a computer, if you will. If you hate Linux for whatever reason, you can always just uninstall and delete the whole thing. (There are plenty of places to find instructions for setting up Virtualbox with Ubuntu, so I’ll leave it to you to do that.)

So let’s begin!

Build CyanogenMod and CyanogenMod Recovery

Prepare the Build Environment


You only need to do these steps the first time you build. If you previously prepared your build environment and have downloaded the CyanogenMod source code for another device, skip to Prepare the device-specific code.

Install the SDK

If you have not previously installed adb and fastboot, install the Android SDK. “SDK” stands for Software Developer Kit, and it includes useful tools that you can use to flash software, look at the system logs in real time, grab screenshots, and more– all from your computer.

Helpful Tip

While the SDK contains lots of different things– the two tools you are most interested in for building Android are adb and fastboot, located in the /platform-tools directory.

Install the Build Packages

Several “build packages” are needed to build CyanogenMod. You can install these using the package manager of your choice.

Helpful Tip

A package manager in Linux is a system used to install or remove software (usually originating from the Internet) on your computer. With Ubuntu, you can use the Ubuntu Software Center. Even better, you may also use the apt-get install command directly in the Terminal. (Learn more about the apt packaging tool system from Wikipedia.)

For both 32-bit & 64-bit systems, you’ll need:

bc bison build-essential curl flex git gnupg gperf libesd0-dev liblz4-tool libncurses5-dev libsdl1.2-dev libwxgtk2.8-dev libxml2 libxml2-utils lzop maven openjdk-7-jdk pngcrush schedtool squashfs-tools xsltproc zip zlib1g-dev

In addition to the above, for 64-bit systems, get these:

g++-multilib gcc-multilib lib32ncurses5-dev lib32readline-gplv2-dev lib32z1-dev

For Ubuntu 15.10 (wily) and newer, substitute:

  • lib32readline-gplv2-devlib32readline6-dev

For Ubuntu 16.04 (xenial) and newer, substitute (additionally see java notes below):

  • libwxgtk2.8-devlibwxgtk3.0-dev
  • openjdk-7-jdkopenjdk-8-jdk

Java versions: Different versions of CyanogenMod require different versions of the JDK (Java Development Kit):

  • CyanogenMod 7 – 9: Sun/Oracle Java SE 1.6
  • CyanogenMod 10.1: Sun/Oracle Java SE 1.6 or 1.7
  • CyanogenMod 10.2 – 11.0: Sun/Oracle Java SE 1.6 or 1.7 (OpenJDK 1.7 works fine, but the build system will display a warning)
  • CyanogenMod 12.0 – 13.0: OpenJDK 1.7 (see note about OpenJDK 1.8 below)
  • CyanogenMod 14.1: OpenJDK 1.8

Ubuntu 16.04 (Xenial Xerus) or newer and OpenJDK: Since OpenJDK 1.7 was removed from the official Ubuntu repositories, you have a couple options:

  1. Obtain OpenJDK 1.7 from the openjdk-r PPA
  2. Enable experimental OpenJDK 1.8 support in CyanogenMod 13.0 (not available in earlier version). To enable OpenJDK 1.8 support, add this line to your $HOME/.bashrc file: export EXPERIMENTAL_USE_JAVA8=true.

Also see which lists needed packages.

Create the directories

You will need to set up some directories in your build environment.

To create them:

$ mkdir -p ~/bin
$ mkdir -p ~/android/system

Install the repo command

Enter the following to download the “repo” binary and make it executable (runnable):

$ curl > ~/bin/repo
$ chmod a+x ~/bin/repo

Put the ~/bin directory in your path of execution

In recent versions of Ubuntu, ~/bin should already be in your PATH. You can check this by opening ~/.profile with a text editor and verifying the following code exists (add it if it is missing):

# set PATH so it includes user's private bin if it exists
if [ -d "$HOME/bin" ] ; then

Initialize the CyanogenMod source repository

Enter the following to initialize the repository:

Note: Make sure the cm branch entered here is the one you wish to build and is supported on your device.
$ cd ~/android/system/
$ repo init -u -b gingerbread

Download the source code

To start the download of all the source code to your computer:

$ repo sync

The CM manifests include a sensible default configuration for repo, which we strongly suggest you use (i.e. don’t add any options to sync). For reference, our default values are -j 4 and -c. The -j 4 part means that there will be four simultaneous threads/connections. If you experience problems syncing, you can lower this to -j 3 or -j 2. -c will ask repo to pull in only the current branch, instead of the entire CM history.

Prepare to wait a long time while the source code downloads.

Helpful Tip

The repo sync command is used to update the latest source code from CyanogenMod and Google. Remember it, as you can do it every few days to keep your code base fresh and up-to-date.

Get prebuilt Rom Manager

$ cd ~/android/system/vendor/cyanogen

then enter:

$ ./get-rommanager

You won’t see any confirmation- just another prompt. But this should cause the Rom Manager apps to be loaded and installed into the source code. Once completed, this does not need to be done again.

Prepare the device-specific code

After the source downloads, ensure you are in the root of the source code (cd ~/android/system), then type:
$ source build/
$ lunch

You should see a list of devices, including something like cm_one-userdebug. Select it by typing its number. It is possible that lunch does not display your device. In that case try

$ lunch cm_one-userdebug


$ lunch full_one-userdebug

If all goes well, you should see that one-specific directories are downloaded automatically.

Helpful Tip

If you want to know more about what source build/ does or simply want to know more about the breakfast, brunch and lunch commands, you can head over to the Envsetup help page.

Helpful Tip

Instead of typing cd ~/android/system every time you want to return back to the root of the source code, here’s a short command that will do it for you: croot. To use this command, you must first run source build/ from ~/android/system.

Extract proprietary blobs

Now ensure that your One is connected to your computer via the USB cable and that you are in the ~/android/system/device/geeksphone/one directory (you can cd ~/android/system/device/geeksphone/one if necessary). Then run the script:

$ ./

You should see the proprietary files (aka “blobs”) get pulled from the device and moved to the ~/android/system/vendor/geeksphone directory. If you see errors about adb being unable to pull the files, adb may not be in the path of execution. If this is the case, see the adb page for suggestions for dealing with “command not found” errors.


Your device should already be running a build of CyanogenMod for the branch you wish to build for the script to function properly.


It’s important that these proprietary files are extracted to the ~/android/system/vendor/geeksphone directory by using the script. Makefiles are generated at the same time to make sure the blobs are eventually copied to the device. Without these blobs, CyanogenMod may build without error, but you’ll be missing important functionality, such as graphics libraries that enable you to see anything!

Turn on caching to speed up build

You can speed up subsequent builds by adding

export USE_CCACHE=1

to your ~/.bashrc file (what’s a .bashrc file?). Then, specify the amount of disk space to dedicate to ccache by typing this from the top of your Android tree:

prebuilt/linux-x86/ccache/ccache -M 50G

where 50G corresponds to 50GB of cache. This only needs to be run once and the setting will be remembered. Anywhere in the range of 25GB to 100GB will result in very noticeably increased build speeds (for instance, a typical 1hr build time can be reduced to 20min). If you’re only building for one device, 25GB-50GB is fine. If you plan to build for several devices that do not share the same kernel source, aim for 75GB-100GB. This space will be permanently occupied on your drive, so take this into consideration. See more information about ccache on Google’s android build environment initialization page.

Helpful Tip

If you are a very active developer, working on many other projects than just Android, you might prefer to keep your Android ccache independent (because it’s huge and can slow down the efficiency of ccache in your other projects). Beginning with CyanogenMod 12.1, you can specify environment variables for the location and size of CyanogenMod’s ccache. Some syntax examples: export ANDROID_CCACHE_DIR="$HOME/android/.ccache" and export ANDROID_CCACHE_SIZE="50G".

Start the build

Time to start building! So now type:

$ croot
$ brunch one

The build should begin.

Helpful Tip

If the build doesn’t start, try lunch and choose your device from the menu. If that doesn’t work, try breakfast and choose from the menu. The command make one should then work.

Helpful Tip

A second, bonus tip! If you get a command not found error for croot, brunch, or lunch, be sure you’ve done the source build/ command in this Terminal session from the ~/android/system directory.

Helpful Tip

A third tip! If the build to fails while downloading Gello, you’ll need to import a missing certificate into Maven’s truststore. Detailed instructions on how to do that can be found here

If the build breaks…

  • If you experience this not-enough-memory-related error…
ERROR: signapk.jar failed: return code 1make: *** [out/target/product/one/] Error 1

…you may want to make the following change to ~/android/system/build/tools/releasetools/

Search for instances of -Xmx2048m (it should appear either under OPTIONS.java_args or near usage of signapk.jar), and replace it with -Xmx1024m or -Xmx512m.

Then start the build again (with brunch).

  • If you see a message about things suddenly being “killed” for no reason, your (virtual) machine may have run out of memory or storage space. Assign it more resources and try again.

Install the build

Assuming the build completed without error (it will be obvious when it finishes), type:

$ cd $OUT

in the same terminal window that you did the build. Here you’ll find all the files that were created. The stuff that will go in /system is in a folder called system. The stuff that will become your ramdisk is in a folder called root. And your kernel is called… kernel.

But that’s all just background info. The two files we are interested in are (1) recovery.img, which contains CyanogenMod Recovery, and (2), which is the CyanogenMod installation package.

Installing a recovery image using flash_image

Use of the flash_image binary assumes your device already has root. For more detailed instructions on using the tools in this guide, please visit ADB.

  1. Download the flash_image binary
  2. Install the binary into /data/local on your phone via adb and set permissions
    • adb push flash_image /data/local/
    • adb shell chmod 777 /data/local/flash_image
  3. Download {{{install_devname}}}’s ClockworkMod Recovery.
    • {{{install_devname}}}’s ClockworkMod Recovery: [{{{install_file}}} download]
      md5: {{{install_md5sum}}}
  4. Push the file(s) to your device via adb.
    • adb push yourrecoveryimage.img /data/local/
    • adb shell chmod 777 /data/local/yourrecoveryimage.img

Flash the recovery:

  1. adb shell /data/local/flash_image recovery /data/local/yourrecoveryimage.img

Install CyanogenMod

Back to the $OUT directory on your computer– you should see a file that looks something like:


The above file name may vary depending on the version of CM you are building. Your build may not include a version number or may identify itself as a “KANG” rather than UNOFFICIAL version. Regardless, the file name will end in .zip and should be titled similarly to official builds.

Now you can flash the file above as usual via recovery mode. Before doing so, now is a good time to make a backup of whatever installation is currently running on the device in case something goes wrong with the flash attempt. While CyanogenMod Recovery doesn’t have a backup feature, there are other custom recoveries available that do. You can also use something like Titanium Backup (root required) as an alternative.

Success! So….what’s next?

You’ve done it! Welcome to the elite club of self-builders. You’ve built your operating system from scratch, from the ground up. You are the master/mistress of your domain… and hopefully you’ve learned a bit on the way and had some fun too.

Now that you’ve succeeded in building CyanogenMod for your device, here are some suggestions on what to do next.

Also, be sure to take a glance at the Dev Center on this wiki for all kinds of more detailed information about developer topics ranging from collecting logs, understanding what’s in the source code directories, submitting your own contributions, porting CyanogenMod to new devices, and a lot more.

Congrats again!

Content of this page is based on informations from, under CC BY-SA 3.0 licence.

Hardkernel ODROID-U2 (odroidu2)

Hardkernel ODROID-U2 ("odroidu2") Cyanogenmod

Cyanogenmod ROM Hardkernel ODROID-U2 (odroidu2)

Quick Info

Download CyanogenMod

It looks like we don’t have any roms for download for this device. 🙁

Source code

ODROID-U2 Specifications
Codename: odroidu2
Vendor: Hardkernel
Type: dev board
Platform: Samsung Exynos 4412
CPU: 1.7 GHz quad-core Cortex A9 with 1MB L2 cache
GPU: Mali-400 Quad Core 440MHz
Dimensions: 48 x 52 mm
Screen size: no screen
Internal storage: emmc 8GB/16GB/64GB
SD Card: microsd slot
Bluetooth: 2.1+EDR (optional)
Wi-Fi: 802.11n (optional)
CM supported: 10.1, 10.2


Modifying or replacing your device’s software may void your device’s warranty, lead to data loss, hair loss, financial loss, privacy loss, security breaches, or other damage, and therefore must be done entirely at your own risk. No one affiliated with the CyanogenMod project is responsible for your actions. Good luck.

Initial installation

Note: Linux Required’

This guide is written for use with Linux.

Installing on emmc

  1. Connect your emmc card to your PC via the sdcard reader adapter.
    • NOTE: Many Linux distros will auto mount the partitions on the emmc. Make sure they are NOT mounted before proceeding!
  2. Download the bootstrap for the odroidu2.
  3. Extract all of the files in the package.
  4. Determine your system’s device name for your reader. (eg /dev/sdb, /dev/sdc)
  5. From a terminal, execute the install script: sh ./ /dev/sdX (Substitute X for your specific device name).
  6. Once the script finishes, remove the emmc card and put it into your odroidu2.
  7. Connect TV or Monitor via HDMI and a USB keyboard and mouse and proceed to the installation section.

Installing on sdcard

  1. Connect your sdcard to your PC via an sdcard reader.
    • NOTE: Many Linux distros will automatically mount media you insert. Make sure it is NOT mounted before proceeding!
  2. Download the odroidu2 sdcard image here.
  3. Extract the image from the package
  4. Determine your system’s device name for your reader. (eg /dev/sdb, /dev/sdc)
  5. From a terminal run dd if=ODROID-U2.img of=/dev/sdX (Substitute X for your specific device name).
  6. The sdcard is ready to use, connect TV or Monitor via HDMI and a USB keyboard and mouse and proceed to the installation section.

Updating to latest version

  1. Power on the odroidu2 and wait until CyanogenMod is booted.
  2. Get the latest version of CyanogenMod for the odroid2.
  3. From a terminal, become root and reboot into recovery. Recovery is controlled by the cursor keys and backspace for back.
    • $> su
    • #> reboot recovery
    Optional/Recommended: Select backup and restore to create a backup of the current installation on the odroidu2.
  4. Select the option to wipe data/factory reset.
  5. Select install zip from sdcard.
  6. Select choose zip from sdcard.
  7. Select the CyanogenMod file you placed on the memory. You will then need to then confirm that you do wish to flash this file.
    Optional: Install any additional packages you wish using the same method.
  8. Once the installation has finished, return back to the main menu, and select the reboot system now option. It should now boot into CyanogenMod.

Installing with Windows

  1. Install one of the odroid releases on your emmc if you don’t already have one.
  2. Download and unzip in the root on the fat-partition on emmc.
  3. Download latest CM for odroidu2 from and put it in root on fat-partition
  4. Download optional Google Apps from and put that too on emmc.
  5. Now with the files from you will boot into recovery directly and from there just follow as usual.
    Optional/Recommended: Select backup and restore to create a backup of the current installation on the odroidu2.
  6. Select the option to wipe data/factory reset.
  7. Select install zip from sdcard.
  8. Select choose zip from sdcard.
  9. Select the CyanogenMod file you placed on the memory. You will then need to then confirm that you do wish to flash this file.
    Optional: Install any additional packages you wish using the same method.
  10. Once the installation has finished, return back to the main menu, and select the reboot system now option. It should now boot into CyanogenMod.

How To Build CyanogenMod For Hardkernel ODROID-U2 (odroidu2)


These instructions will hopefully assist you to start with a stock ODROID-U2, unlock the bootloader (if necessary), and then download the required tools as well as the very latest source code for CyanogenMod (based on Google’s Android operating system). Using these, you can build both CyanogenMod and CyanogenMod Recovery image from source code, and then install them both to your device.

It is difficult to say how much experience is necessary to follow these instructions. While this guide is certainly not for the very very very uninitiated, these steps shouldn’t require a PhD in software development either. Some readers will have no difficulty and breeze through the steps easily. Others may struggle over the most basic operation. Because people’s experiences, backgrounds, and intuitions differ, it may be a good idea to read through just to ascertain whether you feel comfortable or are getting over your head.

Remember, you assume all risk of trying this, but you will reap the rewards! It’s pretty satisfying to boot into a fresh operating system you baked at home :) And once you’re an Android-building ninja, there will be no more need to wait for “nightly” builds from anyone. You will have at your fingertips the skills to build a full operating system from code to a running device, whenever you want. Where you go from there– maybe you’ll add a feature, fix a bug, add a translation, or use what you’ve learned to build a new app or port to a new device– or maybe you’ll never build again– it’s all really up to you.

What you’ll need

  • A relatively recent computer (Linux, OS X, or Windows) with a reasonable amount of RAM and about 100 GB of free storage (more if you enable ccache or build for multiple devices). The less RAM you have, the longer the build will take (aim for 8 GB or more). Using SSDs results in considerably faster build times than traditional hard drives.
  • A USB cable compatible with the ODROID-U2 (typically micro USB, but older devices may use mini USB or have a proprietary cable)
  • A decent internet connection & reliable electricity :)
  • Some familiarity with basic Android operation and terminology. It would help if you’ve installed custom roms on other devices and are familiar with recovery. It may also be useful to know some basic command line concepts such as cd for “change directory”, the concept of directory hierarchies, that in Linux they are separated by /, etc.

If you are not accustomed to using Linux– this is an excellent chance to learn. It’s free– just download and run a virtual machine (VM) such as Virtualbox, then install a Linux distribution such as Ubuntu (AOSP vets Ubuntu as well). Any recent 64-bit version should work great, but the latest is recommended.


You want to use a 64-bit version of Linux. A 32-bit Linux environment will only work if you are building CyanogenMod 6 and older. For CyanogenMod 10.1, if you encounter issues with 64bit host binaries, you can set BUILD_HOST_32bit=1 in your environment. This is generally not needed, though, especially with CyanogenMod 10.2 and newer.

Using a VM allows Linux to run as a guest inside your host computer– a computer in a computer, if you will. If you hate Linux for whatever reason, you can always just uninstall and delete the whole thing. (There are plenty of places to find instructions for setting up Virtualbox with Ubuntu, so I’ll leave it to you to do that.)

So let’s begin!

Build CyanogenMod and CyanogenMod Recovery

Prepare the Build Environment


You only need to do these steps the first time you build. If you previously prepared your build environment and have downloaded the CyanogenMod source code for another device, skip to Prepare the device-specific code.

Install the SDK

If you have not previously installed adb and fastboot, install the Android SDK. “SDK” stands for Software Developer Kit, and it includes useful tools that you can use to flash software, look at the system logs in real time, grab screenshots, and more– all from your computer.

Helpful Tip

While the SDK contains lots of different things– the two tools you are most interested in for building Android are adb and fastboot, located in the /platform-tools directory.

Install the Build Packages

Several “build packages” are needed to build CyanogenMod. You can install these using the package manager of your choice.

Helpful Tip

A package manager in Linux is a system used to install or remove software (usually originating from the Internet) on your computer. With Ubuntu, you can use the Ubuntu Software Center. Even better, you may also use the apt-get install command directly in the Terminal. (Learn more about the apt packaging tool system from Wikipedia.)

For both 32-bit & 64-bit systems, you’ll need:

bc bison build-essential curl flex git gnupg gperf libesd0-dev liblz4-tool libncurses5-dev libsdl1.2-dev libwxgtk2.8-dev libxml2 libxml2-utils lzop maven openjdk-7-jdk pngcrush schedtool squashfs-tools xsltproc zip zlib1g-dev

In addition to the above, for 64-bit systems, get these:

g++-multilib gcc-multilib lib32ncurses5-dev lib32readline-gplv2-dev lib32z1-dev

For Ubuntu 15.10 (wily) and newer, substitute:

  • lib32readline-gplv2-devlib32readline6-dev

For Ubuntu 16.04 (xenial) and newer, substitute (additionally see java notes below):

  • libwxgtk2.8-devlibwxgtk3.0-dev
  • openjdk-7-jdkopenjdk-8-jdk

Java versions: Different versions of CyanogenMod require different versions of the JDK (Java Development Kit):

  • CyanogenMod 7 – 9: Sun/Oracle Java SE 1.6
  • CyanogenMod 10.1: Sun/Oracle Java SE 1.6 or 1.7
  • CyanogenMod 10.2 – 11.0: Sun/Oracle Java SE 1.6 or 1.7 (OpenJDK 1.7 works fine, but the build system will display a warning)
  • CyanogenMod 12.0 – 13.0: OpenJDK 1.7 (see note about OpenJDK 1.8 below)
  • CyanogenMod 14.1: OpenJDK 1.8

Ubuntu 16.04 (Xenial Xerus) or newer and OpenJDK: Since OpenJDK 1.7 was removed from the official Ubuntu repositories, you have a couple options:

  1. Obtain OpenJDK 1.7 from the openjdk-r PPA
  2. Enable experimental OpenJDK 1.8 support in CyanogenMod 13.0 (not available in earlier version). To enable OpenJDK 1.8 support, add this line to your $HOME/.bashrc file: export EXPERIMENTAL_USE_JAVA8=true.

Also see which lists needed packages.

Create the directories

You will need to set up some directories in your build environment.

To create them:

$ mkdir -p ~/bin
$ mkdir -p ~/android/system

Install the repo command

Enter the following to download the “repo” binary and make it executable (runnable):

$ curl > ~/bin/repo
$ chmod a+x ~/bin/repo

Put the ~/bin directory in your path of execution

In recent versions of Ubuntu, ~/bin should already be in your PATH. You can check this by opening ~/.profile with a text editor and verifying the following code exists (add it if it is missing):

# set PATH so it includes user's private bin if it exists
if [ -d "$HOME/bin" ] ; then

Initialize the CyanogenMod source repository

Enter the following to initialize the repository:

Note: Make sure the cm branch entered here is the one you wish to build and is supported on your device.
$ cd ~/android/system/
$ repo init -u -b cm-13.0

Download the source code

To start the download of all the source code to your computer:

$ repo sync

The CM manifests include a sensible default configuration for repo, which we strongly suggest you use (i.e. don’t add any options to sync). For reference, our default values are -j 4 and -c. The -j 4 part means that there will be four simultaneous threads/connections. If you experience problems syncing, you can lower this to -j 3 or -j 2. -c will ask repo to pull in only the current branch, instead of the entire CM history.

Prepare to wait a long time while the source code downloads.

Helpful Tip

The repo sync command is used to update the latest source code from CyanogenMod and Google. Remember it, as you can do it every few days to keep your code base fresh and up-to-date.

Get prebuilt apps (CM11 and below)


$ cd ~/android/system/vendor/cm

then enter:

$ ./get-prebuilts

You won’t see any confirmation- just another prompt. But this should cause some prebuilt apps to be loaded and installed into the source code. Once completed, this does not need to be done again.

Prepare the device-specific code

Helpful Tip – Errors during breakfast

Different maintainers setup their device inheritance rules differently. Some require a vendor directory to be populated before breakfast will even succeed. If you receive an error here about vendor makefiles, then jump down to the next section Extract proprietary blobs. The first portion of breakfast should have succeeded at pulling in the device tree and the extract blobs script should be available. After completing that section, you can rerun breakfast odroidu2

After the source downloads, ensure you are in the root of the source code (cd ~/android/system), then type:

$ source build/
$ breakfast odroidu2

This will download the device specific configuration and kernel source for your device. An alternative to using the breakfast command is to build your own local manifest. To do this, you will need to locate your device on CyanogenMod’s GitHub and list all of the repositories defined in cm.dependencies in your local manifest.

Helpful Tip

If you want to know more about what source build/ does or simply want to know more about the breakfast, brunch and lunch commands, you can head over to the Envsetup help page.

Helpful Tip

Instead of typing cd ~/android/system every time you want to return back to the root of the source code, here’s a short command that will do it for you: croot. To use this command, you must first run source build/ from ~/android/system.

Extract proprietary blobs

Now ensure that your ODROID-U2 is connected to your computer via the USB cable and that you are in the ~/android/system/device/hardkernel/odroidu2 directory (you can cd ~/android/system/device/hardkernel/odroidu2 if necessary). Then run the script:

$ ./

You should see the proprietary files (aka “blobs”) get pulled from the device and moved to the ~/android/system/vendor/hardkernel directory. If you see errors about adb being unable to pull the files, adb may not be in the path of execution. If this is the case, see the adb page for suggestions for dealing with “command not found” errors.


Your device should already be running a build of CyanogenMod for the branch you wish to build for the script to function properly.


It’s important that these proprietary files are extracted to the ~/android/system/vendor/hardkernel directory by using the script. Makefiles are generated at the same time to make sure the blobs are eventually copied to the device. Without these blobs, CyanogenMod may build without error, but you’ll be missing important functionality, such as graphics libraries that enable you to see anything!

Turn on caching to speed up build

You can speed up subsequent builds by adding

export USE_CCACHE=1

to your ~/.bashrc file (what’s a .bashrc file?). Then, specify the amount of disk space to dedicate to ccache by typing this from the top of your Android tree:

prebuilts/misc/linux-x86/ccache/ccache -M 50G

where 50G corresponds to 50GB of cache. This only needs to be run once and the setting will be remembered. Anywhere in the range of 25GB to 100GB will result in very noticeably increased build speeds (for instance, a typical 1hr build time can be reduced to 20min). If you’re only building for one device, 25GB-50GB is fine. If you plan to build for several devices that do not share the same kernel source, aim for 75GB-100GB. This space will be permanently occupied on your drive, so take this into consideration. See more information about ccache on Google’s android build environment initialization page.

Helpful Tip

If you are a very active developer, working on many other projects than just Android, you might prefer to keep your Android ccache independent (because it’s huge and can slow down the efficiency of ccache in your other projects). Beginning with CyanogenMod 12.1, you can specify environment variables for the location and size of CyanogenMod’s ccache. Some syntax examples: export ANDROID_CCACHE_DIR="$HOME/android/.ccache" and export ANDROID_CCACHE_SIZE="50G".

Start the build

Time to start building! So now type:

$ croot
$ brunch odroidu2

The build should begin.

Helpful Tip

If the build doesn’t start, try lunch and choose your device from the menu. If that doesn’t work, try breakfast and choose from the menu. The command make odroidu2 should then work.

Helpful Tip

A second, bonus tip! If you get a command not found error for croot, brunch, or lunch, be sure you’ve done the source build/ command in this Terminal session from the ~/android/system directory.

Helpful Tip

A third tip! If the build to fails while downloading Gello, you’ll need to import a missing certificate into Maven’s truststore. Detailed instructions on how to do that can be found here

If the build breaks…

  • If you experience this not-enough-memory-related error…
ERROR: signapk.jar failed: return code 1make: *** [out/target/product/odroidu2/] Error 1

…you may want to make the following change to ~/android/system/build/tools/releasetools/

Search for instances of -Xmx2048m (it should appear either under OPTIONS.java_args or near usage of signapk.jar), and replace it with -Xmx1024m or -Xmx512m.

Then start the build again (with brunch).

  • If you see a message about things suddenly being “killed” for no reason, your (virtual) machine may have run out of memory or storage space. Assign it more resources and try again.

Install the build

Assuming the build completed without error (it will be obvious when it finishes), type:

$ cd $OUT

in the same terminal window that you did the build. Here you’ll find all the files that were created. The stuff that will go in /system is in a folder called system. The stuff that will become your ramdisk is in a folder called root. And your kernel is called… kernel.

But that’s all just background info. The two files we are interested in are (1) recovery.img, which contains CyanogenMod Recovery, and (2), which is the CyanogenMod installation package.

Install CyanogenMod

Back to the $OUT directory on your computer– you should see a file that looks something like:


The above file name may vary depending on the version of CM you are building. Your build may not include a version number or may identify itself as a “KANG” rather than UNOFFICIAL version. Regardless, the file name will end in .zip and should be titled similarly to official builds.

Now you can flash the file above as usual via recovery mode. Before doing so, now is a good time to make a backup of whatever installation is currently running on the device in case something goes wrong with the flash attempt. While CyanogenMod Recovery doesn’t have a backup feature, there are other custom recoveries available that do. You can also use something like Titanium Backup (root required) as an alternative.

Success! So….what’s next?

You’ve done it! Welcome to the elite club of self-builders. You’ve built your operating system from scratch, from the ground up. You are the master/mistress of your domain… and hopefully you’ve learned a bit on the way and had some fun too.

Now that you’ve succeeded in building CyanogenMod for your device, here are some suggestions on what to do next.

Also, be sure to take a glance at the Dev Center on this wiki for all kinds of more detailed information about developer topics ranging from collecting logs, understanding what’s in the source code directories, submitting your own contributions, porting CyanogenMod to new devices, and a lot more.

Congrats again!

Content of this page is based on informations from, under CC BY-SA 3.0 licence.

Motorola Backflip (motus)

Motorola Backflip ("motus") Cyanogenmod

Cyanogenmod ROM Motorola Backflip (motus)

Quick Info

Download CyanogenMod

It looks like we don’t have any roms for download for this device. 🙁

Note: Support Status

This device does not support the latest official release of CyanogenMod. This may be due to hardware limitations or simply because development is ongoing. The most recent version supported is based on the gingerbread branch of CyanogenMod.

Special boot modes

  • Recovery: Volume Down & Power

Source code

Backflip Specifications
Codename: motus
Vendor: Motorola
Release date: 2010 March 7
Type: phone
GSM freq: 850 900 1800 1900 GSM
850 900 1900 2100 MHz UMTS/HSPA
Platform: Qualcomm MSM7201A
CPU: 528 MHz single-core
GPU: Qualcomm Adreno 130
RAM: 256MB
Weight: 133g (4.7 oz)
Dimensions: 108 mm (4.3 in) (h)
53 mm (2.09 in) (w)
15 mm (0.59 in) (d)
Screen size: 79 mm (3.1 in)
Resolution: 320x480px
Internal storage: 512MB
SD Card: up to 32GB
Bluetooth: 2.0 + EDR
Wi-Fi: 802.11 b/g
Main camera: 5MP w/ LED flash
Peripherals: accelerometer,digital compass
CM supported: 7
Latest CM version: gingerbread


Modifying or replacing your device’s software may void your device’s warranty, lead to data loss, hair loss, financial loss, privacy loss, security breaches, or other damage, and therefore must be done entirely at your own risk. No one affiliated with the CyanogenMod project is responsible for your actions. Good luck.

Gain Root with Framaroot

  1. Install Framaroot for one click root. (Select Gimli.)
  2. Run adb push Framaroot_9.9.9.apk /sdcard/
  3. Open Files app, navigate to SDCard, select Framaroot, install, open, root, reboot.

Gaining Root Access with rageagainstthecage

  1. You will need ADB on the computer to root the Backflip.
  2. Download the following files:
    • rageagainstthecage-arm5: Download
      md5: bfa28d457b54508326ab55d11399c586
      (Note: Antivirus software may delete this because “it could be used by malware to root Android phones”. Either turn off your antivirus, or flag this as “allowed” while you are gaining root access, and un”allow” it when done.)
    • Superuser package: Download
      md5: 43d9a40b63e916635d5ad7ca32433fab
  1. Unzip rageinthecage-arm5 & the Superuser package to the same folder as adb (the /platform-tools folder within the Android SDK folder).
  2. Connect the Backflip to the computer via USB.
  3. Allow “USB debug” on the device: Settings > Applications > Development and check USB debugging box.
  4. On the computer, open terminal and run the following commands:
    adb push rageagainstthecage-arm5.bin /data/local/tmp/
    adb shell
    chmod 755 /data/local/tmp/rageagainstthecage-arm5.bin
  5. Once the exploit finishes, in terminal, run the following commands:
    adb kill-server
    adb start-server
    adb shell

    NOTE: You should see a “#”. If you see a “$”, then the exploit didn’t work, please repeat steps 4 & 5.
    mount -o rw,remount /dev/block/mtdblock1 /system
    adb push su /system/xbin/
    adb shell chmod 4755 /system/xbin/su
    adb push Superuser.apk /system/app/
  6. The Backflip is now rooted, please continue to the next section.

Installing a recovery image using flash_image

Use of the flash_image binary assumes your device already has root. For more detailed instructions on using the tools in this guide, please visit ADB.

  1. Download the flash_image binary
  2. Install the binary into /data/local on your phone via adb and set permissions
    • adb push flash_image /data/local/
    • adb shell chmod 777 /data/local/flash_image
  3. Download koush’s ClockworkMod Recovery.
    • koush’s ClockworkMod Recovery: download
      md5: e5954a02da71c71e465f24f17b310ae5
  4. Push the file(s) to your device via adb.
    • adb push yourrecoveryimage.img /data/local/
    • adb shell chmod 777 /data/local/yourrecoveryimage.img

Flash the recovery:

  1. adb shell /data/local/flash_image recovery /data/local/yourrecoveryimage.img

Installing CyanogenMod from recovery

  1. Make sure your computer has working adb.
  2. Download the CyanogenMod build package for your device that you’d like to install to your computer.
    Optional: Download 3rd party applications packages, like Google Apps which are necessary to download apps from Google Play.
  3. Boot to recovery mode, and connect the phone to your computer through USB.
    • Camera & the Power button until the device indicates to stop. Then press the Volume Down
  4. In ClockworkMod Recovery, use the physical volume buttons to move up and down. On most devices, the power button is used to confirm a menu selection, but for some devices a physical home key acts as a selector. Some devices have touch enabled ClockworkMod Recovery, in which case you may be able to swipe to, or touch, menu selections.
  5. Optional (Recommended): Select backup and restore to create a backup.
  6. Select wipe data/factory reset.
  7. You have two options for transferring and installing the installation packages. The sideload method is more universal across devices, whereas the push and install method is more commonly used:
    • Sideload method: select install zip > install zip from sideload. Follow the on-screen notices to install the package. The installer does not necessarily display an “Install complete.” message. You can tell the install is complete if there were no fatal error messages and you have regained control over the menu.
    • Push and install method: Open a command prompt (or Terminal on Mac and Linux) and navigate to the directory holding the package(s) you would like to install. On the device, navigate to the mounts and storage menu. If you see /storage/sdcard0 or /sdcard as a mountable volume, go ahead and mount it. If you do not see one of these partitions, then instead mount the /data partition. Take note of which volume you mounted. Now, push the package(s) to your device (also, see tip below):
    – If you mounted /storage/sdcard0, then: adb push /storage/sdcard0/
    – If you mounted /sdcard or /data, then: adb push /sdcard/
    where should be replaced with the package filename. Go back to the main menu and select install zip. Choose to install from the same directory where you pushed the package(s). If you are installing multiple packages, install CyanogenMod first and then install any subsequent packages on top of it.
  8. Once installation has finished, return to the main menu and select reboot system now. The device will now boot into CyanogenMod.

Helpful Tip – SD card folders

CyanogenMod 10.1 and newer have multi-user support (introduced in Android 4.2). If your device has storage on the /data partition, then Android actually looks in /data/media/0/ for the first user’s /sdcard/ storage. ClockworkMod recovery symlinks /sdcard/ to /data/media/ though. So, if you are pushing files to internal storage in recovery and want them to be visible in Android, you should push them to /sdcard/0/ or /data/media/0/. Here’s the most frequent scenarios:

  1. If you’re coming from a ROM with Android 4.1 or older to CyanogenMod 10 or older: adb push /sdcard/
  2. If you’re coming from a ROM with Android 4.1 or older to CyanogenMod 10.1 or newer: adb shell "mkdir /sdcard/0/" followed by adb push /sdcard/0/
  3. If you’re coming from a ROM with Android 4.2 or newer to CyanogenMod 10.1 or newer: adb push /sdcard/0/

How To Build CyanogenMod For Motorola Backflip (motus)


These instructions will hopefully assist you to start with a stock Backflip, unlock the bootloader (if necessary), and then download the required tools as well as the very latest source code for CyanogenMod (based on Google’s Android operating system). Using these, you can build both CyanogenMod and CyanogenMod Recovery image from source code, and then install them both to your device.

It is difficult to say how much experience is necessary to follow these instructions. While this guide is certainly not for the very very very uninitiated, these steps shouldn’t require a PhD in software development either. Some readers will have no difficulty and breeze through the steps easily. Others may struggle over the most basic operation. Because people’s experiences, backgrounds, and intuitions differ, it may be a good idea to read through just to ascertain whether you feel comfortable or are getting over your head.

Remember, you assume all risk of trying this, but you will reap the rewards! It’s pretty satisfying to boot into a fresh operating system you baked at home :) And once you’re an Android-building ninja, there will be no more need to wait for “nightly” builds from anyone. You will have at your fingertips the skills to build a full operating system from code to a running device, whenever you want. Where you go from there– maybe you’ll add a feature, fix a bug, add a translation, or use what you’ve learned to build a new app or port to a new device– or maybe you’ll never build again– it’s all really up to you.

What you’ll need

  • A Backflip
  • A relatively recent computer (Linux, OS X, or Windows) with a reasonable amount of RAM and about 100 GB of free storage (more if you enable ccache or build for multiple devices). The less RAM you have, the longer the build will take (aim for 8 GB or more). Using SSDs results in considerably faster build times than traditional hard drives.
  • A USB cable compatible with the Backflip (typically micro USB, but older devices may use mini USB or have a proprietary cable)
  • A decent internet connection & reliable electricity :)
  • Some familiarity with basic Android operation and terminology. It would help if you’ve installed custom roms on other devices and are familiar with recovery. It may also be useful to know some basic command line concepts such as cd for “change directory”, the concept of directory hierarchies, that in Linux they are separated by /, etc.

If you are not accustomed to using Linux– this is an excellent chance to learn. It’s free– just download and run a virtual machine (VM) such as Virtualbox, then install a Linux distribution such as Ubuntu (AOSP vets Ubuntu as well). Any recent 64-bit version should work great, but the latest is recommended.


You want to use a 64-bit version of Linux. A 32-bit Linux environment will only work if you are building CyanogenMod 6 and older. For CyanogenMod 10.1, if you encounter issues with 64bit host binaries, you can set BUILD_HOST_32bit=1 in your environment. This is generally not needed, though, especially with CyanogenMod 10.2 and newer.

Using a VM allows Linux to run as a guest inside your host computer– a computer in a computer, if you will. If you hate Linux for whatever reason, you can always just uninstall and delete the whole thing. (There are plenty of places to find instructions for setting up Virtualbox with Ubuntu, so I’ll leave it to you to do that.)

So let’s begin!

Build CyanogenMod and CyanogenMod Recovery

Prepare the Build Environment


You only need to do these steps the first time you build. If you previously prepared your build environment and have downloaded the CyanogenMod source code for another device, skip to Prepare the device-specific code.

Install the SDK

If you have not previously installed adb and fastboot, install the Android SDK. “SDK” stands for Software Developer Kit, and it includes useful tools that you can use to flash software, look at the system logs in real time, grab screenshots, and more– all from your computer.

Helpful Tip

While the SDK contains lots of different things– the two tools you are most interested in for building Android are adb and fastboot, located in the /platform-tools directory.

Install the Build Packages

Several “build packages” are needed to build CyanogenMod. You can install these using the package manager of your choice.

Helpful Tip

A package manager in Linux is a system used to install or remove software (usually originating from the Internet) on your computer. With Ubuntu, you can use the Ubuntu Software Center. Even better, you may also use the apt-get install command directly in the Terminal. (Learn more about the apt packaging tool system from Wikipedia.)

For both 32-bit & 64-bit systems, you’ll need:

bc bison build-essential curl flex git gnupg gperf libesd0-dev liblz4-tool libncurses5-dev libsdl1.2-dev libwxgtk2.8-dev libxml2 libxml2-utils lzop maven openjdk-7-jdk pngcrush schedtool squashfs-tools xsltproc zip zlib1g-dev

In addition to the above, for 64-bit systems, get these:

g++-multilib gcc-multilib lib32ncurses5-dev lib32readline-gplv2-dev lib32z1-dev

For Ubuntu 15.10 (wily) and newer, substitute:

  • lib32readline-gplv2-devlib32readline6-dev

For Ubuntu 16.04 (xenial) and newer, substitute (additionally see java notes below):

  • libwxgtk2.8-devlibwxgtk3.0-dev
  • openjdk-7-jdkopenjdk-8-jdk

Java versions: Different versions of CyanogenMod require different versions of the JDK (Java Development Kit):

  • CyanogenMod 7 – 9: Sun/Oracle Java SE 1.6
  • CyanogenMod 10.1: Sun/Oracle Java SE 1.6 or 1.7
  • CyanogenMod 10.2 – 11.0: Sun/Oracle Java SE 1.6 or 1.7 (OpenJDK 1.7 works fine, but the build system will display a warning)
  • CyanogenMod 12.0 – 13.0: OpenJDK 1.7 (see note about OpenJDK 1.8 below)
  • CyanogenMod 14.1: OpenJDK 1.8

Ubuntu 16.04 (Xenial Xerus) or newer and OpenJDK: Since OpenJDK 1.7 was removed from the official Ubuntu repositories, you have a couple options:

  1. Obtain OpenJDK 1.7 from the openjdk-r PPA
  2. Enable experimental OpenJDK 1.8 support in CyanogenMod 13.0 (not available in earlier version). To enable OpenJDK 1.8 support, add this line to your $HOME/.bashrc file: export EXPERIMENTAL_USE_JAVA8=true.

Also see which lists needed packages.

Create the directories

You will need to set up some directories in your build environment.

To create them:

$ mkdir -p ~/bin
$ mkdir -p ~/android/system

Install the repo command

Enter the following to download the “repo” binary and make it executable (runnable):

$ curl > ~/bin/repo
$ chmod a+x ~/bin/repo

Put the ~/bin directory in your path of execution

In recent versions of Ubuntu, ~/bin should already be in your PATH. You can check this by opening ~/.profile with a text editor and verifying the following code exists (add it if it is missing):

# set PATH so it includes user's private bin if it exists
if [ -d "$HOME/bin" ] ; then

Initialize the CyanogenMod source repository

Enter the following to initialize the repository:

Note: Make sure the cm branch entered here is the one you wish to build and is supported on your device.
$ cd ~/android/system/
$ repo init -u -b gingerbread

Download the source code

To start the download of all the source code to your computer:

$ repo sync

The CM manifests include a sensible default configuration for repo, which we strongly suggest you use (i.e. don’t add any options to sync). For reference, our default values are -j 4 and -c. The -j 4 part means that there will be four simultaneous threads/connections. If you experience problems syncing, you can lower this to -j 3 or -j 2. -c will ask repo to pull in only the current branch, instead of the entire CM history.

Prepare to wait a long time while the source code downloads.

Helpful Tip

The repo sync command is used to update the latest source code from CyanogenMod and Google. Remember it, as you can do it every few days to keep your code base fresh and up-to-date.

Get prebuilt Rom Manager

$ cd ~/android/system/vendor/cyanogen

then enter:

$ ./get-rommanager

You won’t see any confirmation- just another prompt. But this should cause the Rom Manager apps to be loaded and installed into the source code. Once completed, this does not need to be done again.

Prepare the device-specific code

After the source downloads, ensure you are in the root of the source code (cd ~/android/system), then type:
$ source build/
$ lunch

You should see a list of devices, including something like cm_motus-userdebug. Select it by typing its number. It is possible that lunch does not display your device. In that case try

$ lunch cm_motus-userdebug


$ lunch full_motus-userdebug

If all goes well, you should see that motus-specific directories are downloaded automatically.

Helpful Tip

If you want to know more about what source build/ does or simply want to know more about the breakfast, brunch and lunch commands, you can head over to the Envsetup help page.

Helpful Tip

Instead of typing cd ~/android/system every time you want to return back to the root of the source code, here’s a short command that will do it for you: croot. To use this command, you must first run source build/ from ~/android/system.

Extract proprietary blobs

Now ensure that your Backflip is connected to your computer via the USB cable and that you are in the ~/android/system/device/motorola/motus directory (you can cd ~/android/system/device/motorola/motus if necessary). Then run the script:

$ ./

You should see the proprietary files (aka “blobs”) get pulled from the device and moved to the ~/android/system/vendor/motorola directory. If you see errors about adb being unable to pull the files, adb may not be in the path of execution. If this is the case, see the adb page for suggestions for dealing with “command not found” errors.


Your device should already be running a build of CyanogenMod for the branch you wish to build for the script to function properly.


It’s important that these proprietary files are extracted to the ~/android/system/vendor/motorola directory by using the script. Makefiles are generated at the same time to make sure the blobs are eventually copied to the device. Without these blobs, CyanogenMod may build without error, but you’ll be missing important functionality, such as graphics libraries that enable you to see anything!

Turn on caching to speed up build

You can speed up subsequent builds by adding

export USE_CCACHE=1

to your ~/.bashrc file (what’s a .bashrc file?). Then, specify the amount of disk space to dedicate to ccache by typing this from the top of your Android tree:

prebuilt/linux-x86/ccache/ccache -M 50G

where 50G corresponds to 50GB of cache. This only needs to be run once and the setting will be remembered. Anywhere in the range of 25GB to 100GB will result in very noticeably increased build speeds (for instance, a typical 1hr build time can be reduced to 20min). If you’re only building for one device, 25GB-50GB is fine. If you plan to build for several devices that do not share the same kernel source, aim for 75GB-100GB. This space will be permanently occupied on your drive, so take this into consideration. See more information about ccache on Google’s android build environment initialization page.

Helpful Tip

If you are a very active developer, working on many other projects than just Android, you might prefer to keep your Android ccache independent (because it’s huge and can slow down the efficiency of ccache in your other projects). Beginning with CyanogenMod 12.1, you can specify environment variables for the location and size of CyanogenMod’s ccache. Some syntax examples: export ANDROID_CCACHE_DIR="$HOME/android/.ccache" and export ANDROID_CCACHE_SIZE="50G".

Start the build

Time to start building! So now type:

$ croot
$ brunch motus

The build should begin.

Helpful Tip

If the build doesn’t start, try lunch and choose your device from the menu. If that doesn’t work, try breakfast and choose from the menu. The command make motus should then work.

Helpful Tip

A second, bonus tip! If you get a command not found error for croot, brunch, or lunch, be sure you’ve done the source build/ command in this Terminal session from the ~/android/system directory.

Helpful Tip

A third tip! If the build to fails while downloading Gello, you’ll need to import a missing certificate into Maven’s truststore. Detailed instructions on how to do that can be found here

If the build breaks…

  • If you experience this not-enough-memory-related error…
ERROR: signapk.jar failed: return code 1make: *** [out/target/product/motus/] Error 1

…you may want to make the following change to ~/android/system/build/tools/releasetools/

Search for instances of -Xmx2048m (it should appear either under OPTIONS.java_args or near usage of signapk.jar), and replace it with -Xmx1024m or -Xmx512m.

Then start the build again (with brunch).

  • If you see a message about things suddenly being “killed” for no reason, your (virtual) machine may have run out of memory or storage space. Assign it more resources and try again.

Install the build

Assuming the build completed without error (it will be obvious when it finishes), type:

$ cd $OUT

in the same terminal window that you did the build. Here you’ll find all the files that were created. The stuff that will go in /system is in a folder called system. The stuff that will become your ramdisk is in a folder called root. And your kernel is called… kernel.

But that’s all just background info. The two files we are interested in are (1) recovery.img, which contains CyanogenMod Recovery, and (2), which is the CyanogenMod installation package.

Install CyanogenMod

Back to the $OUT directory on your computer– you should see a file that looks something like:


The above file name may vary depending on the version of CM you are building. Your build may not include a version number or may identify itself as a “KANG” rather than UNOFFICIAL version. Regardless, the file name will end in .zip and should be titled similarly to official builds.

Now you can flash the file above as usual via recovery mode. Before doing so, now is a good time to make a backup of whatever installation is currently running on the device in case something goes wrong with the flash attempt. While CyanogenMod Recovery doesn’t have a backup feature, there are other custom recoveries available that do. You can also use something like Titanium Backup (root required) as an alternative.

Success! So….what’s next?

You’ve done it! Welcome to the elite club of self-builders. You’ve built your operating system from scratch, from the ground up. You are the master/mistress of your domain… and hopefully you’ve learned a bit on the way and had some fun too.

Now that you’ve succeeded in building CyanogenMod for your device, here are some suggestions on what to do next.

Also, be sure to take a glance at the Dev Center on this wiki for all kinds of more detailed information about developer topics ranging from collecting logs, understanding what’s in the source code directories, submitting your own contributions, porting CyanogenMod to new devices, and a lot more.

Congrats again!

Content of this page is based on informations from, under CC BY-SA 3.0 licence.

Motorola Cliq (morrison)

Motorola Cliq ("morrison") Cyanogenmod

Cyanogenmod ROM Motorola Cliq (morrison)

Quick Info

Download CyanogenMod

It looks like we don’t have any roms for download for this device. 🙁

Note: Support Status

This device does not support the latest official release of CyanogenMod. This may be due to hardware limitations or simply because development is ongoing. The most recent version supported is based on the gingerbread branch of CyanogenMod.

Source code

Cliq Specifications
Codename: morrison
Also known as: Motorola Dext
Vendor: Motorola
Release date: 2009 October (UK)
2009 November 2 (USA)
Type: phone
GSM freq: 850 900 1800 1900 MHz GSM/GPRS/EDGE
850 900 1700 2100 MHz UMTS/HSPA
Platform: Qualcomm MSM7201A
CPU: 528 MHz single-core Qualcomm
RAM: 256MB
Weight: 163 g (5.7 oz)
Dimensions: 114 mm (4.5 in) (h)
58 mm (2.28 in) (w)
16 mm (0.63 in) (d)
Screen size: 79 mm (3.1 in)
Resolution: 480×320
Internal storage: 512MB
SD Card: up to 32GB
Bluetooth: 2.0 + EDR
Wi-Fi: 802.11b/g
Main camera: 5MP
Power: 1420 mAh internal rechargeable removable lithium-ion battery
Peripherals: capacitive touchscreen display, proximity and ambient light sensors, QWERTY keyboard, volume controls, trackpad, 3-axis accelerometer, digital compass, camera button
CM supported: 7
Latest CM version: gingerbread


Modifying or replacing your device’s software may void your device’s warranty, lead to data loss, hair loss, financial loss, privacy loss, security breaches, or other damage, and therefore must be done entirely at your own risk. No one affiliated with the CyanogenMod project is responsible for your actions. Good luck.

Gain Root with Framaroot

  1. Install Framaroot for one click root. (Select Gimli.)
  2. Run adb push Framaroot_9.9.9.apk /sdcard/
  3. Open Files app, navigate to SDCard, select Framaroot, install, open, root, reboot.

Gaining Root Access with rageagainstthecage

  1. You will need ADB on the computer to root the Cliq.
  2. Download the following files:
    • rageagainstthecage-arm5: Download
      md5: bfa28d457b54508326ab55d11399c586
      (Note: Antivirus software may delete this because “it could be used by malware to root Android phones”. Either turn off your antivirus, or flag this as “allowed” while you are gaining root access, and un”allow” it when done.)
    • Superuser package: Download
      md5: 43d9a40b63e916635d5ad7ca32433fab
  1. Unzip rageinthecage-arm5 & the Superuser package to the same folder as adb (the /platform-tools folder within the Android SDK folder).
  2. Connect the Cliq to the computer via USB.
  3. Allow “USB debug” on the device: Settings > Applications > Development and check USB debugging box.
  4. On the computer, open terminal and run the following commands:
    adb push rageagainstthecage-arm5.bin /data/local/tmp/
    adb shell
    chmod 755 /data/local/tmp/rageagainstthecage-arm5.bin
  5. Once the exploit finishes, in terminal, run the following commands:
    adb kill-server
    adb start-server
    adb shell

    NOTE: You should see a “#”. If you see a “$”, then the exploit didn’t work, please repeat steps 4 & 5.
    mount -o rw,remount /dev/block/mtdblock1 /system
    adb push su /system/xbin/
    adb shell chmod 4755 /system/xbin/su
    adb push Superuser.apk /system/app/
  6. The Cliq is now rooted, please continue to the next section.

Installing a recovery image using flash_image

Use of the flash_image binary assumes your device already has root. For more detailed instructions on using the tools in this guide, please visit ADB.

  1. Download the flash_image binary
  2. Install the binary into /data/local on your phone via adb and set permissions
    • adb push flash_image /data/local/
    • adb shell chmod 777 /data/local/flash_image
  3. Download koush’s ClockworkMod Recovery.
    • koush’s ClockworkMod Recovery: download
      md5: 478d30a09ed1210c9a43a6b62477aedb
  4. Push the file(s) to your device via adb.
    • adb push yourrecoveryimage.img /data/local/
    • adb shell chmod 777 /data/local/yourrecoveryimage.img

Flash the recovery:

  1. adb shell /data/local/flash_image recovery /data/local/yourrecoveryimage.img

Installing CyanogenMod from recovery

  1. Make sure your computer has working adb.
  2. Download the CyanogenMod build package for your device that you’d like to install to your computer.
    Optional: Download 3rd party applications packages, like Google Apps which are necessary to download apps from Google Play.
  3. Boot to recovery mode, and connect the phone to your computer through USB.
    • Camera & the Power button until the device indicates to stop. Then press the Volume Down
  4. In ClockworkMod Recovery, use the physical volume buttons to move up and down. On most devices, the power button is used to confirm a menu selection, but for some devices a physical home key acts as a selector. Some devices have touch enabled ClockworkMod Recovery, in which case you may be able to swipe to, or touch, menu selections.
  5. Optional (Recommended): Select backup and restore to create a backup.
  6. Select wipe data/factory reset.
  7. You have two options for transferring and installing the installation packages. The sideload method is more universal across devices, whereas the push and install method is more commonly used:
    • Sideload method: select install zip > install zip from sideload. Follow the on-screen notices to install the package. The installer does not necessarily display an “Install complete.” message. You can tell the install is complete if there were no fatal error messages and you have regained control over the menu.
    • Push and install method: Open a command prompt (or Terminal on Mac and Linux) and navigate to the directory holding the package(s) you would like to install. On the device, navigate to the mounts and storage menu. If you see /storage/sdcard0 or /sdcard as a mountable volume, go ahead and mount it. If you do not see one of these partitions, then instead mount the /data partition. Take note of which volume you mounted. Now, push the package(s) to your device (also, see tip below):
    – If you mounted /storage/sdcard0, then: adb push /storage/sdcard0/
    – If you mounted /sdcard or /data, then: adb push /sdcard/
    where should be replaced with the package filename. Go back to the main menu and select install zip. Choose to install from the same directory where you pushed the package(s). If you are installing multiple packages, install CyanogenMod first and then install any subsequent packages on top of it.
  8. Once installation has finished, return to the main menu and select reboot system now. The device will now boot into CyanogenMod.

Helpful Tip – SD card folders

CyanogenMod 10.1 and newer have multi-user support (introduced in Android 4.2). If your device has storage on the /data partition, then Android actually looks in /data/media/0/ for the first user’s /sdcard/ storage. ClockworkMod recovery symlinks /sdcard/ to /data/media/ though. So, if you are pushing files to internal storage in recovery and want them to be visible in Android, you should push them to /sdcard/0/ or /data/media/0/. Here’s the most frequent scenarios:

  1. If you’re coming from a ROM with Android 4.1 or older to CyanogenMod 10 or older: adb push /sdcard/
  2. If you’re coming from a ROM with Android 4.1 or older to CyanogenMod 10.1 or newer: adb shell "mkdir /sdcard/0/" followed by adb push /sdcard/0/
  3. If you’re coming from a ROM with Android 4.2 or newer to CyanogenMod 10.1 or newer: adb push /sdcard/0/

How To Build CyanogenMod For Motorola Cliq (morrison)


These instructions will hopefully assist you to start with a stock Cliq, unlock the bootloader (if necessary), and then download the required tools as well as the very latest source code for CyanogenMod (based on Google’s Android operating system). Using these, you can build both CyanogenMod and CyanogenMod Recovery image from source code, and then install them both to your device.

It is difficult to say how much experience is necessary to follow these instructions. While this guide is certainly not for the very very very uninitiated, these steps shouldn’t require a PhD in software development either. Some readers will have no difficulty and breeze through the steps easily. Others may struggle over the most basic operation. Because people’s experiences, backgrounds, and intuitions differ, it may be a good idea to read through just to ascertain whether you feel comfortable or are getting over your head.

Remember, you assume all risk of trying this, but you will reap the rewards! It’s pretty satisfying to boot into a fresh operating system you baked at home :) And once you’re an Android-building ninja, there will be no more need to wait for “nightly” builds from anyone. You will have at your fingertips the skills to build a full operating system from code to a running device, whenever you want. Where you go from there– maybe you’ll add a feature, fix a bug, add a translation, or use what you’ve learned to build a new app or port to a new device– or maybe you’ll never build again– it’s all really up to you.

What you’ll need

  • A Cliq
  • A relatively recent computer (Linux, OS X, or Windows) with a reasonable amount of RAM and about 100 GB of free storage (more if you enable ccache or build for multiple devices). The less RAM you have, the longer the build will take (aim for 8 GB or more). Using SSDs results in considerably faster build times than traditional hard drives.
  • A USB cable compatible with the Cliq (typically micro USB, but older devices may use mini USB or have a proprietary cable)
  • A decent internet connection & reliable electricity :)
  • Some familiarity with basic Android operation and terminology. It would help if you’ve installed custom roms on other devices and are familiar with recovery. It may also be useful to know some basic command line concepts such as cd for “change directory”, the concept of directory hierarchies, that in Linux they are separated by /, etc.

If you are not accustomed to using Linux– this is an excellent chance to learn. It’s free– just download and run a virtual machine (VM) such as Virtualbox, then install a Linux distribution such as Ubuntu (AOSP vets Ubuntu as well). Any recent 64-bit version should work great, but the latest is recommended.


You want to use a 64-bit version of Linux. A 32-bit Linux environment will only work if you are building CyanogenMod 6 and older. For CyanogenMod 10.1, if you encounter issues with 64bit host binaries, you can set BUILD_HOST_32bit=1 in your environment. This is generally not needed, though, especially with CyanogenMod 10.2 and newer.

Using a VM allows Linux to run as a guest inside your host computer– a computer in a computer, if you will. If you hate Linux for whatever reason, you can always just uninstall and delete the whole thing. (There are plenty of places to find instructions for setting up Virtualbox with Ubuntu, so I’ll leave it to you to do that.)

So let’s begin!

Build CyanogenMod and CyanogenMod Recovery

Prepare the Build Environment


You only need to do these steps the first time you build. If you previously prepared your build environment and have downloaded the CyanogenMod source code for another device, skip to Prepare the device-specific code.

Install the SDK

If you have not previously installed adb and fastboot, install the Android SDK. “SDK” stands for Software Developer Kit, and it includes useful tools that you can use to flash software, look at the system logs in real time, grab screenshots, and more– all from your computer.

Helpful Tip

While the SDK contains lots of different things– the two tools you are most interested in for building Android are adb and fastboot, located in the /platform-tools directory.

Install the Build Packages

Several “build packages” are needed to build CyanogenMod. You can install these using the package manager of your choice.

Helpful Tip

A package manager in Linux is a system used to install or remove software (usually originating from the Internet) on your computer. With Ubuntu, you can use the Ubuntu Software Center. Even better, you may also use the apt-get install command directly in the Terminal. (Learn more about the apt packaging tool system from Wikipedia.)

For both 32-bit & 64-bit systems, you’ll need:

bc bison build-essential curl flex git gnupg gperf libesd0-dev liblz4-tool libncurses5-dev libsdl1.2-dev libwxgtk2.8-dev libxml2 libxml2-utils lzop maven openjdk-7-jdk pngcrush schedtool squashfs-tools xsltproc zip zlib1g-dev

In addition to the above, for 64-bit systems, get these:

g++-multilib gcc-multilib lib32ncurses5-dev lib32readline-gplv2-dev lib32z1-dev

For Ubuntu 15.10 (wily) and newer, substitute:

  • lib32readline-gplv2-devlib32readline6-dev

For Ubuntu 16.04 (xenial) and newer, substitute (additionally see java notes below):

  • libwxgtk2.8-devlibwxgtk3.0-dev
  • openjdk-7-jdkopenjdk-8-jdk

Java versions: Different versions of CyanogenMod require different versions of the JDK (Java Development Kit):

  • CyanogenMod 7 – 9: Sun/Oracle Java SE 1.6
  • CyanogenMod 10.1: Sun/Oracle Java SE 1.6 or 1.7
  • CyanogenMod 10.2 – 11.0: Sun/Oracle Java SE 1.6 or 1.7 (OpenJDK 1.7 works fine, but the build system will display a warning)
  • CyanogenMod 12.0 – 13.0: OpenJDK 1.7 (see note about OpenJDK 1.8 below)
  • CyanogenMod 14.1: OpenJDK 1.8

Ubuntu 16.04 (Xenial Xerus) or newer and OpenJDK: Since OpenJDK 1.7 was removed from the official Ubuntu repositories, you have a couple options:

  1. Obtain OpenJDK 1.7 from the openjdk-r PPA
  2. Enable experimental OpenJDK 1.8 support in CyanogenMod 13.0 (not available in earlier version). To enable OpenJDK 1.8 support, add this line to your $HOME/.bashrc file: export EXPERIMENTAL_USE_JAVA8=true.

Also see which lists needed packages.

Create the directories

You will need to set up some directories in your build environment.

To create them:

$ mkdir -p ~/bin
$ mkdir -p ~/android/system

Install the repo command

Enter the following to download the “repo” binary and make it executable (runnable):

$ curl > ~/bin/repo
$ chmod a+x ~/bin/repo

Put the ~/bin directory in your path of execution

In recent versions of Ubuntu, ~/bin should already be in your PATH. You can check this by opening ~/.profile with a text editor and verifying the following code exists (add it if it is missing):

# set PATH so it includes user's private bin if it exists
if [ -d "$HOME/bin" ] ; then

Initialize the CyanogenMod source repository

Enter the following to initialize the repository:

Note: Make sure the cm branch entered here is the one you wish to build and is supported on your device.
$ cd ~/android/system/
$ repo init -u -b gingerbread

Download the source code

To start the download of all the source code to your computer:

$ repo sync

The CM manifests include a sensible default configuration for repo, which we strongly suggest you use (i.e. don’t add any options to sync). For reference, our default values are -j 4 and -c. The -j 4 part means that there will be four simultaneous threads/connections. If you experience problems syncing, you can lower this to -j 3 or -j 2. -c will ask repo to pull in only the current branch, instead of the entire CM history.

Prepare to wait a long time while the source code downloads.

Helpful Tip

The repo sync command is used to update the latest source code from CyanogenMod and Google. Remember it, as you can do it every few days to keep your code base fresh and up-to-date.

Get prebuilt Rom Manager

$ cd ~/android/system/vendor/cyanogen

then enter:

$ ./get-rommanager

You won’t see any confirmation- just another prompt. But this should cause the Rom Manager apps to be loaded and installed into the source code. Once completed, this does not need to be done again.

Prepare the device-specific code

After the source downloads, ensure you are in the root of the source code (cd ~/android/system), then type:
$ source build/
$ lunch

You should see a list of devices, including something like cm_morrison-userdebug. Select it by typing its number. It is possible that lunch does not display your device. In that case try

$ lunch cm_morrison-userdebug


$ lunch full_morrison-userdebug

If all goes well, you should see that morrison-specific directories are downloaded automatically.

Helpful Tip

If you want to know more about what source build/ does or simply want to know more about the breakfast, brunch and lunch commands, you can head over to the Envsetup help page.

Helpful Tip

Instead of typing cd ~/android/system every time you want to return back to the root of the source code, here’s a short command that will do it for you: croot. To use this command, you must first run source build/ from ~/android/system.

Extract proprietary blobs

Now ensure that your Cliq is connected to your computer via the USB cable and that you are in the ~/android/system/device/motorola/morrison directory (you can cd ~/android/system/device/motorola/morrison if necessary). Then run the script:

$ ./

You should see the proprietary files (aka “blobs”) get pulled from the device and moved to the ~/android/system/vendor/motorola directory. If you see errors about adb being unable to pull the files, adb may not be in the path of execution. If this is the case, see the adb page for suggestions for dealing with “command not found” errors.


Your device should already be running a build of CyanogenMod for the branch you wish to build for the script to function properly.


It’s important that these proprietary files are extracted to the ~/android/system/vendor/motorola directory by using the script. Makefiles are generated at the same time to make sure the blobs are eventually copied to the device. Without these blobs, CyanogenMod may build without error, but you’ll be missing important functionality, such as graphics libraries that enable you to see anything!

Turn on caching to speed up build

You can speed up subsequent builds by adding

export USE_CCACHE=1

to your ~/.bashrc file (what’s a .bashrc file?). Then, specify the amount of disk space to dedicate to ccache by typing this from the top of your Android tree:

prebuilt/linux-x86/ccache/ccache -M 50G

where 50G corresponds to 50GB of cache. This only needs to be run once and the setting will be remembered. Anywhere in the range of 25GB to 100GB will result in very noticeably increased build speeds (for instance, a typical 1hr build time can be reduced to 20min). If you’re only building for one device, 25GB-50GB is fine. If you plan to build for several devices that do not share the same kernel source, aim for 75GB-100GB. This space will be permanently occupied on your drive, so take this into consideration. See more information about ccache on Google’s android build environment initialization page.

Helpful Tip

If you are a very active developer, working on many other projects than just Android, you might prefer to keep your Android ccache independent (because it’s huge and can slow down the efficiency of ccache in your other projects). Beginning with CyanogenMod 12.1, you can specify environment variables for the location and size of CyanogenMod’s ccache. Some syntax examples: export ANDROID_CCACHE_DIR="$HOME/android/.ccache" and export ANDROID_CCACHE_SIZE="50G".

Start the build

Time to start building! So now type:

$ croot
$ brunch morrison

The build should begin.

Helpful Tip

If the build doesn’t start, try lunch and choose your device from the menu. If that doesn’t work, try breakfast and choose from the menu. The command make morrison should then work.

Helpful Tip

A second, bonus tip! If you get a command not found error for croot, brunch, or lunch, be sure you’ve done the source build/ command in this Terminal session from the ~/android/system directory.

Helpful Tip

A third tip! If the build to fails while downloading Gello, you’ll need to import a missing certificate into Maven’s truststore. Detailed instructions on how to do that can be found here

If the build breaks…

  • If you experience this not-enough-memory-related error…
ERROR: signapk.jar failed: return code 1make: *** [out/target/product/morrison/] Error 1

…you may want to make the following change to ~/android/system/build/tools/releasetools/

Search for instances of -Xmx2048m (it should appear either under OPTIONS.java_args or near usage of signapk.jar), and replace it with -Xmx1024m or -Xmx512m.

Then start the build again (with brunch).

  • If you see a message about things suddenly being “killed” for no reason, your (virtual) machine may have run out of memory or storage space. Assign it more resources and try again.

Install the build

Assuming the build completed without error (it will be obvious when it finishes), type:

$ cd $OUT

in the same terminal window that you did the build. Here you’ll find all the files that were created. The stuff that will go in /system is in a folder called system. The stuff that will become your ramdisk is in a folder called root. And your kernel is called… kernel.

But that’s all just background info. The two files we are interested in are (1) recovery.img, which contains CyanogenMod Recovery, and (2), which is the CyanogenMod installation package.

Installing a recovery image using flash_image

Use of the flash_image binary assumes your device already has root. For more detailed instructions on using the tools in this guide, please visit ADB.

  1. Download the flash_image binary
  2. Install the binary into /data/local on your phone via adb and set permissions
    • adb push flash_image /data/local/
    • adb shell chmod 777 /data/local/flash_image
  3. Download {{{install_devname}}}’s ClockworkMod Recovery.
    • {{{install_devname}}}’s ClockworkMod Recovery: [{{{install_file}}} download]
      md5: {{{install_md5sum}}}
  4. Push the file(s) to your device via adb.
    • adb push yourrecoveryimage.img /data/local/
    • adb shell chmod 777 /data/local/yourrecoveryimage.img

Flash the recovery:

  1. adb shell /data/local/flash_image recovery /data/local/yourrecoveryimage.img

Install CyanogenMod

Back to the $OUT directory on your computer– you should see a file that looks something like:


The above file name may vary depending on the version of CM you are building. Your build may not include a version number or may identify itself as a “KANG” rather than UNOFFICIAL version. Regardless, the file name will end in .zip and should be titled similarly to official builds.

Now you can flash the file above as usual via recovery mode. Before doing so, now is a good time to make a backup of whatever installation is currently running on the device in case something goes wrong with the flash attempt. While CyanogenMod Recovery doesn’t have a backup feature, there are other custom recoveries available that do. You can also use something like Titanium Backup (root required) as an alternative.

Success! So….what’s next?

You’ve done it! Welcome to the elite club of self-builders. You’ve built your operating system from scratch, from the ground up. You are the master/mistress of your domain… and hopefully you’ve learned a bit on the way and had some fun too.

Now that you’ve succeeded in building CyanogenMod for your device, here are some suggestions on what to do next.

Also, be sure to take a glance at the Dev Center on this wiki for all kinds of more detailed information about developer topics ranging from collecting logs, understanding what’s in the source code directories, submitting your own contributions, porting CyanogenMod to new devices, and a lot more.

Congrats again!

Content of this page is based on informations from, under CC BY-SA 3.0 licence.

Sony Ericsson Xperia X10 Mini Pro (mimmi)

Sony Ericsson Xperia X10 Mini Pro ("mimmi") Cyanogenmod

Cyanogenmod ROM Sony Ericsson Xperia X10 Mini Pro (mimmi)

Quick Info

Download CyanogenMod

It looks like we don’t have any roms for download for this device. 🙁

Note: Support Status

This device does not support the latest official release of CyanogenMod. This may be due to hardware limitations or simply because development is ongoing. The most recent version supported is based on the gingerbread branch of CyanogenMod.


The Sony Ericsson Xperia X10 Mini Pro (aka mimmi) is a touchscreen smartphone manufactured by Sony Ericsson. Official CyanogenMod support for the Sony Ericsson Xperia X10 Mini Pro was added in CyanogenMod 7.1.

Source code

Xperia X10 Mini Pro Specifications
Codename: mimmi
Vendor: Sony Ericsson
Release date: 2010 June
Type: phone (slider)
GSM freq: 850 900 1800 1900 MHz GSM/GPRS/EDGE

850 1900 2100 MHz UMTS/HSPA (CANADA)

Platform: Qualcomm MSM7227
CPU: 600 MHz single-core
GPU: Qualcomm Adreno 200
RAM: 128MB
Weight: 120 g (4.2 oz)
Dimensions: 90 mm (3.5 in) (h)

52 mm (2.05 in) (w)
17 mm (0.669 in) (d)

Screen size: 65 mm (2.6 in)
Resolution: 240×320 (QVGA)
Screen type: TFT LCD
SD Card: supports up to 32 GB
Bluetooth: Bluetooth 2.1+A2DP
Wi-Fi: WiFi (802.11b/g)
Main camera: 5 megapixel with LED flash
Power: 930 mAh internal rechargeable removable lithium-ion polymer battery
Peripherals: capacitive touchscreen, proximity & ambient light sensors, volume controls, 3-axis accelerometer, digital compass
CM supported: 7
Latest CM version: gingerbread

How To Build CyanogenMod For Sony Ericsson Xperia X10 Mini Pro (mimmi)


These instructions will hopefully assist you to start with a stock Xperia X10 Mini Pro, unlock the bootloader (if necessary), and then download the required tools as well as the very latest source code for CyanogenMod (based on Google’s Android operating system). Using these, you can build both CyanogenMod and CyanogenMod Recovery image from source code, and then install them both to your device.

It is difficult to say how much experience is necessary to follow these instructions. While this guide is certainly not for the very very very uninitiated, these steps shouldn’t require a PhD in software development either. Some readers will have no difficulty and breeze through the steps easily. Others may struggle over the most basic operation. Because people’s experiences, backgrounds, and intuitions differ, it may be a good idea to read through just to ascertain whether you feel comfortable or are getting over your head.

Remember, you assume all risk of trying this, but you will reap the rewards! It’s pretty satisfying to boot into a fresh operating system you baked at home :) And once you’re an Android-building ninja, there will be no more need to wait for “nightly” builds from anyone. You will have at your fingertips the skills to build a full operating system from code to a running device, whenever you want. Where you go from there– maybe you’ll add a feature, fix a bug, add a translation, or use what you’ve learned to build a new app or port to a new device– or maybe you’ll never build again– it’s all really up to you.

What you’ll need

  • A Xperia X10 Mini Pro
  • A relatively recent computer (Linux, OS X, or Windows) with a reasonable amount of RAM and about 100 GB of free storage (more if you enable ccache or build for multiple devices). The less RAM you have, the longer the build will take (aim for 8 GB or more). Using SSDs results in considerably faster build times than traditional hard drives.
  • A USB cable compatible with the Xperia X10 Mini Pro (typically micro USB, but older devices may use mini USB or have a proprietary cable)
  • A decent internet connection & reliable electricity :)
  • Some familiarity with basic Android operation and terminology. It would help if you’ve installed custom roms on other devices and are familiar with recovery. It may also be useful to know some basic command line concepts such as cd for “change directory”, the concept of directory hierarchies, that in Linux they are separated by /, etc.

If you are not accustomed to using Linux– this is an excellent chance to learn. It’s free– just download and run a virtual machine (VM) such as Virtualbox, then install a Linux distribution such as Ubuntu (AOSP vets Ubuntu as well). Any recent 64-bit version should work great, but the latest is recommended.


You want to use a 64-bit version of Linux. A 32-bit Linux environment will only work if you are building CyanogenMod 6 and older. For CyanogenMod 10.1, if you encounter issues with 64bit host binaries, you can set BUILD_HOST_32bit=1 in your environment. This is generally not needed, though, especially with CyanogenMod 10.2 and newer.

Using a VM allows Linux to run as a guest inside your host computer– a computer in a computer, if you will. If you hate Linux for whatever reason, you can always just uninstall and delete the whole thing. (There are plenty of places to find instructions for setting up Virtualbox with Ubuntu, so I’ll leave it to you to do that.)

So let’s begin!

Build CyanogenMod and CyanogenMod Recovery

Prepare the Build Environment


You only need to do these steps the first time you build. If you previously prepared your build environment and have downloaded the CyanogenMod source code for another device, skip to Prepare the device-specific code.

Install the SDK

If you have not previously installed adb and fastboot, install the Android SDK. “SDK” stands for Software Developer Kit, and it includes useful tools that you can use to flash software, look at the system logs in real time, grab screenshots, and more– all from your computer.

Helpful Tip

While the SDK contains lots of different things– the two tools you are most interested in for building Android are adb and fastboot, located in the /platform-tools directory.

Install the Build Packages

Several “build packages” are needed to build CyanogenMod. You can install these using the package manager of your choice.

Helpful Tip

A package manager in Linux is a system used to install or remove software (usually originating from the Internet) on your computer. With Ubuntu, you can use the Ubuntu Software Center. Even better, you may also use the apt-get install command directly in the Terminal. (Learn more about the apt packaging tool system from Wikipedia.)

For both 32-bit & 64-bit systems, you’ll need:

bc bison build-essential curl flex git gnupg gperf libesd0-dev liblz4-tool libncurses5-dev libsdl1.2-dev libwxgtk2.8-dev libxml2 libxml2-utils lzop maven openjdk-7-jdk pngcrush schedtool squashfs-tools xsltproc zip zlib1g-dev

In addition to the above, for 64-bit systems, get these:

g++-multilib gcc-multilib lib32ncurses5-dev lib32readline-gplv2-dev lib32z1-dev

For Ubuntu 15.10 (wily) and newer, substitute:

  • lib32readline-gplv2-devlib32readline6-dev

For Ubuntu 16.04 (xenial) and newer, substitute (additionally see java notes below):

  • libwxgtk2.8-devlibwxgtk3.0-dev
  • openjdk-7-jdkopenjdk-8-jdk

Java versions: Different versions of CyanogenMod require different versions of the JDK (Java Development Kit):

  • CyanogenMod 7 – 9: Sun/Oracle Java SE 1.6
  • CyanogenMod 10.1: Sun/Oracle Java SE 1.6 or 1.7
  • CyanogenMod 10.2 – 11.0: Sun/Oracle Java SE 1.6 or 1.7 (OpenJDK 1.7 works fine, but the build system will display a warning)
  • CyanogenMod 12.0 – 13.0: OpenJDK 1.7 (see note about OpenJDK 1.8 below)
  • CyanogenMod 14.1: OpenJDK 1.8

Ubuntu 16.04 (Xenial Xerus) or newer and OpenJDK: Since OpenJDK 1.7 was removed from the official Ubuntu repositories, you have a couple options:

  1. Obtain OpenJDK 1.7 from the openjdk-r PPA
  2. Enable experimental OpenJDK 1.8 support in CyanogenMod 13.0 (not available in earlier version). To enable OpenJDK 1.8 support, add this line to your $HOME/.bashrc file: export EXPERIMENTAL_USE_JAVA8=true.

Also see which lists needed packages.

Create the directories

You will need to set up some directories in your build environment.

To create them:

$ mkdir -p ~/bin
$ mkdir -p ~/android/system

Install the repo command

Enter the following to download the “repo” binary and make it executable (runnable):

$ curl > ~/bin/repo
$ chmod a+x ~/bin/repo

Put the ~/bin directory in your path of execution

In recent versions of Ubuntu, ~/bin should already be in your PATH. You can check this by opening ~/.profile with a text editor and verifying the following code exists (add it if it is missing):

# set PATH so it includes user's private bin if it exists
if [ -d "$HOME/bin" ] ; then

Initialize the CyanogenMod source repository

Enter the following to initialize the repository:

Note: Make sure the cm branch entered here is the one you wish to build and is supported on your device.
$ cd ~/android/system/
$ repo init -u -b gingerbread

Download the source code

To start the download of all the source code to your computer:

$ repo sync

The CM manifests include a sensible default configuration for repo, which we strongly suggest you use (i.e. don’t add any options to sync). For reference, our default values are -j 4 and -c. The -j 4 part means that there will be four simultaneous threads/connections. If you experience problems syncing, you can lower this to -j 3 or -j 2. -c will ask repo to pull in only the current branch, instead of the entire CM history.

Prepare to wait a long time while the source code downloads.

Helpful Tip

The repo sync command is used to update the latest source code from CyanogenMod and Google. Remember it, as you can do it every few days to keep your code base fresh and up-to-date.

Get prebuilt Rom Manager

$ cd ~/android/system/vendor/cyanogen

then enter:

$ ./get-rommanager

You won’t see any confirmation- just another prompt. But this should cause the Rom Manager apps to be loaded and installed into the source code. Once completed, this does not need to be done again.

Prepare the device-specific code

After the source downloads, ensure you are in the root of the source code (cd ~/android/system), then type:
$ source build/
$ lunch

You should see a list of devices, including something like cm_mimmi-userdebug. Select it by typing its number. It is possible that lunch does not display your device. In that case try

$ lunch cm_mimmi-userdebug


$ lunch full_mimmi-userdebug

If all goes well, you should see that mimmi-specific directories are downloaded automatically.

Helpful Tip

If you want to know more about what source build/ does or simply want to know more about the breakfast, brunch and lunch commands, you can head over to the Envsetup help page.

Helpful Tip

Instead of typing cd ~/android/system every time you want to return back to the root of the source code, here’s a short command that will do it for you: croot. To use this command, you must first run source build/ from ~/android/system.

Extract proprietary blobs

Now ensure that your Xperia X10 Mini Pro is connected to your computer via the USB cable and that you are in the ~/android/system/device/semc/mimmi directory (you can cd ~/android/system/device/semc/mimmi if necessary). Then run the script:

$ ./

You should see the proprietary files (aka “blobs”) get pulled from the device and moved to the ~/android/system/vendor/semc directory. If you see errors about adb being unable to pull the files, adb may not be in the path of execution. If this is the case, see the adb page for suggestions for dealing with “command not found” errors.


Your device should already be running a build of CyanogenMod for the branch you wish to build for the script to function properly.


It’s important that these proprietary files are extracted to the ~/android/system/vendor/semc directory by using the script. Makefiles are generated at the same time to make sure the blobs are eventually copied to the device. Without these blobs, CyanogenMod may build without error, but you’ll be missing important functionality, such as graphics libraries that enable you to see anything!

Turn on caching to speed up build

You can speed up subsequent builds by adding

export USE_CCACHE=1

to your ~/.bashrc file (what’s a .bashrc file?). Then, specify the amount of disk space to dedicate to ccache by typing this from the top of your Android tree:

prebuilt/linux-x86/ccache/ccache -M 50G

where 50G corresponds to 50GB of cache. This only needs to be run once and the setting will be remembered. Anywhere in the range of 25GB to 100GB will result in very noticeably increased build speeds (for instance, a typical 1hr build time can be reduced to 20min). If you’re only building for one device, 25GB-50GB is fine. If you plan to build for several devices that do not share the same kernel source, aim for 75GB-100GB. This space will be permanently occupied on your drive, so take this into consideration. See more information about ccache on Google’s android build environment initialization page.

Helpful Tip

If you are a very active developer, working on many other projects than just Android, you might prefer to keep your Android ccache independent (because it’s huge and can slow down the efficiency of ccache in your other projects). Beginning with CyanogenMod 12.1, you can specify environment variables for the location and size of CyanogenMod’s ccache. Some syntax examples: export ANDROID_CCACHE_DIR="$HOME/android/.ccache" and export ANDROID_CCACHE_SIZE="50G".

Start the build

Time to start building! So now type:

$ croot
$ brunch mimmi

The build should begin.

Helpful Tip

If the build doesn’t start, try lunch and choose your device from the menu. If that doesn’t work, try breakfast and choose from the menu. The command make mimmi should then work.

Helpful Tip

A second, bonus tip! If you get a command not found error for croot, brunch, or lunch, be sure you’ve done the source build/ command in this Terminal session from the ~/android/system directory.

Helpful Tip

A third tip! If the build to fails while downloading Gello, you’ll need to import a missing certificate into Maven’s truststore. Detailed instructions on how to do that can be found here

If the build breaks…

  • If you experience this not-enough-memory-related error…
ERROR: signapk.jar failed: return code 1make: *** [out/target/product/mimmi/] Error 1

…you may want to make the following change to ~/android/system/build/tools/releasetools/

Search for instances of -Xmx2048m (it should appear either under OPTIONS.java_args or near usage of signapk.jar), and replace it with -Xmx1024m or -Xmx512m.

Then start the build again (with brunch).

  • If you see a message about things suddenly being “killed” for no reason, your (virtual) machine may have run out of memory or storage space. Assign it more resources and try again.

Install the build

Assuming the build completed without error (it will be obvious when it finishes), type:

$ cd $OUT

in the same terminal window that you did the build. Here you’ll find all the files that were created. The stuff that will go in /system is in a folder called system. The stuff that will become your ramdisk is in a folder called root. And your kernel is called… kernel.

But that’s all just background info. The two files we are interested in are (1) recovery.img, which contains CyanogenMod Recovery, and (2), which is the CyanogenMod installation package.

Install CyanogenMod

Back to the $OUT directory on your computer– you should see a file that looks something like:


The above file name may vary depending on the version of CM you are building. Your build may not include a version number or may identify itself as a “KANG” rather than UNOFFICIAL version. Regardless, the file name will end in .zip and should be titled similarly to official builds.

Now you can flash the file above as usual via recovery mode. Before doing so, now is a good time to make a backup of whatever installation is currently running on the device in case something goes wrong with the flash attempt. While CyanogenMod Recovery doesn’t have a backup feature, there are other custom recoveries available that do. You can also use something like Titanium Backup (root required) as an alternative.

Success! So….what’s next?

You’ve done it! Welcome to the elite club of self-builders. You’ve built your operating system from scratch, from the ground up. You are the master/mistress of your domain… and hopefully you’ve learned a bit on the way and had some fun too.

Now that you’ve succeeded in building CyanogenMod for your device, here are some suggestions on what to do next.

Also, be sure to take a glance at the Dev Center on this wiki for all kinds of more detailed information about developer topics ranging from collecting logs, understanding what’s in the source code directories, submitting your own contributions, porting CyanogenMod to new devices, and a lot more.

Congrats again!

Content of this page is based on informations from, under CC BY-SA 3.0 licence.

Samsung Mesmerize (mesmerizemtd)

Samsung Mesmerize ("mesmerizemtd") Cyanogenmod

Cyanogenmod ROM Samsung Mesmerize (mesmerizemtd)

Quick Info

Download CyanogenMod

It looks like we don’t have any roms for download for this device. 🙁

Note: Support Status

This device does not support the latest official release of CyanogenMod. This may be due to hardware limitations or simply because development is ongoing. The most recent version supported is based on the gingerbread branch of CyanogenMod.


This guide applies to a Samsung Mesmerize on any stock 2.1, 2.2, or 2.3

Special boot modes

  • Recovery: Volume Up, Volume Down, & Power
  • Download: Volume Down

Source code

Mesmerize Specifications
Codename: mesmerizemtd
Vendor: Samsung
Manufacturer: samsung
Release date: 2010 October 27 (USA)
Type: phone
CDMA freq: 800 1900 MHz CDMA
2000 MHz 1xEV-DO
Platform: Samsung S5PC110
CPU: 1 GHz single-core Hummingbird
GPU: PowerVR SGX540
RAM: 512MB
Weight: 118 g (4.2 oz)
Dimensions: 125 mm (4.9 in) x 64 mm (2.53 in) x 10 mm (0.39 in)
Screen size: 102 mm (4.0 in)
Resolution: 800×480
Screen density: 233 PPI
Internal storage: 2GB
SD Card: up to 32GB
Bluetooth: 3.0
Wi-Fi: 802.11 a/b/g/n
Main camera: 5MP
Power: 1500 mAh
CM supported: 7, 10.1
Latest CM version: gingerbread

How to Install CyanogenMod on the Samsung Mesmerize (mesmerizemtd)


Modifying or replacing your device’s software may void your device’s warranty, lead to data loss, hair loss, financial loss, privacy loss, security breaches, or other damage, and therefore must be done entirely at your own risk. No one affiliated with the CyanogenMod project is responsible for your actions. Good luck.

Important Notes

This guide applies to a Samsung Mesmerize on any stock 2.1, 2.2, or 2.3

Installing a custom recovery

Samsung devices come with a unique boot mode called Download Mode which is very similar to Fastboot Mode on some devices with unlocked bootloaders. Heimdall is a cross-platform, open source tool for interfacing with Download Mode on Samsung devices. The preferred method of installing a custom recovery is through this boot mode. Rooting the stock firmware is neither recommended nor necessary.

  1. Download and install the Heimdall Suite
    • Windows: Extract the Heimdall suite and take note of the directory holding heimdall.exe. You can verify Heimdall is working by opening a command prompt in this directory and typing heimdall version. If you receive an error, be sure that you have the Microsoft Visual C++ 2012 Redistributable Package (x86/32bit) installed on your computer.
    • Linux: Pick the appropriate installation package based on your distribution. The -frontend packages are not required for this guide. After installation, heimdall should be available from the terminal; type heimdall version to verify installation succeeded.
    • Mac: Install the dmg package. After installation, heimdall should be available from the terminal; type heimdall version to verify installation succeeded.
    • Building from source: The source code for the Heimdall Suite is available on Github. For more details about how to compile the Heimdall Suite, please refer to the README file on Github under the relevant operating system directory. You can also refer to the Install and compile Heimdall instructions on this wiki.
  2. Download recovery — you can directly download a recovery image using the link below, or visit TWRP site to check for the latest version of recovery for your device (if your device can be found there). For general info about recoveries click here.
    Recovery: Download
    md5: 88c6b7c33a99a2176d7dbf1a68d6c0da
  3. Power off the Mesmerize and connect the USB adapter to the computer but not to the Mesmerize, yet.
  4. Boot the Mesmerize into download mode. Volume Down Accept the disclaimer on the device. Then, insert the USB cable into the device.
  5. Windows (only) driver installation – Skip this step if you are using Linux or Mac
    A more complete set of the following instructions can be found in the Zadig User Guide.
    1. Run zadig.exe from the Drivers folder of the Heimdall Suite.
    2. Choose Options Âť List All Devices from the menu.
    3. Select Samsung USB Composite Device or MSM8x60 or Gadget Serial or Device Name from the drop down menu. (If nothing relevant appears, try uninstalling any Samsung related Windows software, like Samsung Windows drivers and/or Kies).
    4. Click Replace Driver (having selecting “Install Driver” from the drop down list built into the button).
    5. If you are prompted with a warning that the installer is unable to verify the publisher of the driver, select Install this driver anyway. You may receive two more prompts about security. Select the options that allow you to carry on.
  6. At this point, familiarize yourself with the Flashing with heimdall notes below so that you are prepared for any strange behaviour if it occurs.
  7. On the computer, open a terminal (or Command Prompt on Windows) in the directory where the recovery image is located and type:
    heimdall flash --kernel zImage --recovery recovery.bin --no-reboot
    Tip: The file may not be named identically to what’s in this command. If the file is wrapped in a zip or tar file, extract the file first, because heimdall isn’t going to do it for you.
  8. A blue transfer bar will appear on the device showing the recovery being transferred.
  9. Unplug the USB cable from your device.
    • NOTE: Be sure to reboot into recovery immediately after having installed the custom recovery. Otherwise the custom recovery will be overwritten and the device will reboot (appearing as though your custom recovery failed to install).
  10. Manually reboot the phone into recovery mode by performing the following. Volume Up, Volume Down, & Power
  11. The Mesmerize now has a custom recovery installed. Continue to the next section.

Note: Flashing with heimdall

  • In Windows 7 UAC (User Account Control) may need switching off. Once Heimdall is finished it can be re-enabled.
  • Protocol initialization can fail if the device is connected via a USB hub – connect the USB cable directly to the PC
  • It may be necessary to run the heimdall flash command as root in Linux or Mac OS X: sudo heimdall flash [...]. Typical symptoms of this are:
    • a blue bar doesn’t show up after the process has finished
    • Failed to confirm end of file transfer sequence!
  • It may be necessary to capitalize the name of the partition on some devices. Try --KERNEL instead of --kernel and/or --recovery instead of --RECOVERY.
  • If on Linux 64bit you get “unable to execute ./heimdall: No such file or directory”, try the 32bit version and make sure to run it with sudo: reference.
  • On Mac OS X you may see this message: “ERROR: Claiming interface failed!”. If so, you need to disable the default USB drivers with the following commands:
    sudo kextunload -b;
    sudo kextunload -b;
    sudo kextunload -b;
    If you have installed Samsung Kies, you may further need to unload those USB drivers with the following commands:
    sudo kextunload -b com.devguru.driver.SamsungComposite;
    sudo kextunload -b com.devguru.driver.SamsungACMData
    sudo kextunload -b com.devguru.driver.SamsungACMControl
  • Using Heimdall version 1.4.0 (the latest version available for download on the Glass Echidna website) you may see this message or one similar to it:
    Error: Failed to confirm end of PIT file transfer!
    If you experience this error, follow the instructions for compiling Heimdall from source to get the latest version on GitHub with the issue patched.

Helpful Tip

  • The stock ROM may overwrite your custom recovery on boot. To prevent this, boot immediately into recovery after leaving Download Mode instead of letting the ROM boot up normally. If your recovery is overwritten, simply redo the steps you followed above and catch it before it boots next time.
  • Note for upgrades from gingerbread to jellybean remember the recovery is changed. This means once you install do NOT restore to old-gingerbread-stock ROM from cwm-recovery.
  • To upgrade from stock/CM7/CM9/CM10.1.2/CM10.1.3 to CM10.2, you must first boot into recovery and wipe data, cache, and dalvik cache (factory reset). Due to the new partition layout in CM10.2, failing to perform these steps will result in a bootloop. See here for details; more about repartitioning here. If you missed this step before installing, boot to recovery and factory reset, then reinstall CM10.2.
  • Some users have reported connection errors if the device is connected to a USB hub. If you experience such errors it is recommended that you try connecting your device to a USB port on the motherboard.
  • Antivirus software may prevent Heimdall from connecting properly. Disable your antivirus before proceeding.
  • When Heimdall fails to connect, the Download mode may get stuck, making all further attempts fail too. To retry, you may need to restart the Download mode: turn off the phone by holding Power for 5-10 seconds (or by pulling out the battery), then boot into Download mode and run Heimdall again.
  • If Heimdall fails to connect (errors related to initializing the protocol, or transferring data):
    if you just installed the driver, try rebooting your computer and trying again.
    if you still have troubles after reboot, in Zadig try installing the libusbK driver rather than the WinUSB driver.

Installing CyanogenMod from recovery

  1. Make sure your computer has working adb.
  2. Download the CyanogenMod build package for your device that you’d like to install to your computer.
    Optional: Download 3rd party applications packages, like Google Apps which are necessary to download apps from Google Play.
  3. Boot to recovery mode, and connect the phone to your computer through USB.
    • Volume Up, Volume Down, & Power
  4. In ClockworkMod Recovery, use the physical volume buttons to move up and down. On most devices, the power button is used to confirm a menu selection, but for some devices a physical home key acts as a selector. Some devices have touch enabled ClockworkMod Recovery, in which case you may be able to swipe to, or touch, menu selections.
  5. Optional (Recommended): Select backup and restore to create a backup.
  6. Select wipe data/factory reset.
  7. You have two options for transferring and installing the installation packages. The sideload method is more universal across devices, whereas the push and install method is more commonly used:
    • Sideload method: select install zip > install zip from sideload. Follow the on-screen notices to install the package. The installer does not necessarily display an “Install complete.” message. You can tell the install is complete if there were no fatal error messages and you have regained control over the menu.
    • Push and install method: Open a command prompt (or Terminal on Mac and Linux) and navigate to the directory holding the package(s) you would like to install. On the device, navigate to the mounts and storage menu. If you see /storage/sdcard0 or /sdcard as a mountable volume, go ahead and mount it. If you do not see one of these partitions, then instead mount the /data partition. Take note of which volume you mounted. Now, push the package(s) to your device (also, see tip below):
    – If you mounted /storage/sdcard0, then: adb push /storage/sdcard0/
    – If you mounted /sdcard or /data, then: adb push /sdcard/
    where should be replaced with the package filename. Go back to the main menu and select install zip. Choose to install from the same directory where you pushed the package(s). If you are installing multiple packages, install CyanogenMod first and then install any subsequent packages on top of it.
  8. Once installation has finished, return to the main menu and select reboot system now. The device will now boot into CyanogenMod.

Helpful Tip – SD card folders

CyanogenMod 10.1 and newer have multi-user support (introduced in Android 4.2). If your device has storage on the /data partition, then Android actually looks in /data/media/0/ for the first user’s /sdcard/ storage. ClockworkMod recovery symlinks /sdcard/ to /data/media/ though. So, if you are pushing files to internal storage in recovery and want them to be visible in Android, you should push them to /sdcard/0/ or /data/media/0/. Here’s the most frequent scenarios:

  1. If you’re coming from a ROM with Android 4.1 or older to CyanogenMod 10 or older: adb push /sdcard/
  2. If you’re coming from a ROM with Android 4.1 or older to CyanogenMod 10.1 or newer: adb shell "mkdir /sdcard/0/" followed by adb push /sdcard/0/
  3. If you’re coming from a ROM with Android 4.2 or newer to CyanogenMod 10.1 or newer: adb push /sdcard/0/

Helpful Tip

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How To Build CyanogenMod For Samsung Mesmerize (mesmerizemtd)


These instructions will hopefully assist you to start with a stock Mesmerize, unlock the bootloader (if necessary), and then download the required tools as well as the very latest source code for CyanogenMod (based on Google’s Android operating system). Using these, you can build both CyanogenMod and CyanogenMod Recovery image from source code, and then install them both to your device.

It is difficult to say how much experience is necessary to follow these instructions. While this guide is certainly not for the very very very uninitiated, these steps shouldn’t require a PhD in software development either. Some readers will have no difficulty and breeze through the steps easily. Others may struggle over the most basic operation. Because people’s experiences, backgrounds, and intuitions differ, it may be a good idea to read through just to ascertain whether you feel comfortable or are getting over your head.

Remember, you assume all risk of trying this, but you will reap the rewards! It’s pretty satisfying to boot into a fresh operating system you baked at home :) And once you’re an Android-building ninja, there will be no more need to wait for “nightly” builds from anyone. You will have at your fingertips the skills to build a full operating system from code to a running device, whenever you want. Where you go from there– maybe you’ll add a feature, fix a bug, add a translation, or use what you’ve learned to build a new app or port to a new device– or maybe you’ll never build again– it’s all really up to you.

What you’ll need

  • A Mesmerize
  • A relatively recent computer (Linux, OS X, or Windows) with a reasonable amount of RAM and about 100 GB of free storage (more if you enable ccache or build for multiple devices). The less RAM you have, the longer the build will take (aim for 8 GB or more). Using SSDs results in considerably faster build times than traditional hard drives.
  • A USB cable compatible with the Mesmerize (typically micro USB, but older devices may use mini USB or have a proprietary cable)
  • A decent internet connection & reliable electricity :)
  • Some familiarity with basic Android operation and terminology. It would help if you’ve installed custom roms on other devices and are familiar with recovery. It may also be useful to know some basic command line concepts such as cd for “change directory”, the concept of directory hierarchies, that in Linux they are separated by /, etc.

If you are not accustomed to using Linux– this is an excellent chance to learn. It’s free– just download and run a virtual machine (VM) such as Virtualbox, then install a Linux distribution such as Ubuntu (AOSP vets Ubuntu as well). Any recent 64-bit version should work great, but the latest is recommended.


You want to use a 64-bit version of Linux. A 32-bit Linux environment will only work if you are building CyanogenMod 6 and older. For CyanogenMod 10.1, if you encounter issues with 64bit host binaries, you can set BUILD_HOST_32bit=1 in your environment. This is generally not needed, though, especially with CyanogenMod 10.2 and newer.

Using a VM allows Linux to run as a guest inside your host computer– a computer in a computer, if you will. If you hate Linux for whatever reason, you can always just uninstall and delete the whole thing. (There are plenty of places to find instructions for setting up Virtualbox with Ubuntu, so I’ll leave it to you to do that.)

So let’s begin!

Build CyanogenMod and CyanogenMod Recovery

Prepare the Build Environment


You only need to do these steps the first time you build. If you previously prepared your build environment and have downloaded the CyanogenMod source code for another device, skip to Prepare the device-specific code.

Install the SDK

If you have not previously installed adb and fastboot, install the Android SDK. “SDK” stands for Software Developer Kit, and it includes useful tools that you can use to flash software, look at the system logs in real time, grab screenshots, and more– all from your computer.

Helpful Tip

While the SDK contains lots of different things– the two tools you are most interested in for building Android are adb and fastboot, located in the /platform-tools directory.

Install the Build Packages

Several “build packages” are needed to build CyanogenMod. You can install these using the package manager of your choice.

Helpful Tip

A package manager in Linux is a system used to install or remove software (usually originating from the Internet) on your computer. With Ubuntu, you can use the Ubuntu Software Center. Even better, you may also use the apt-get install command directly in the Terminal. (Learn more about the apt packaging tool system from Wikipedia.)

For both 32-bit & 64-bit systems, you’ll need:

bc bison build-essential curl flex git gnupg gperf libesd0-dev liblz4-tool libncurses5-dev libsdl1.2-dev libwxgtk2.8-dev libxml2 libxml2-utils lzop maven openjdk-7-jdk pngcrush schedtool squashfs-tools xsltproc zip zlib1g-dev

In addition to the above, for 64-bit systems, get these:

g++-multilib gcc-multilib lib32ncurses5-dev lib32readline-gplv2-dev lib32z1-dev

For Ubuntu 15.10 (wily) and newer, substitute:

  • lib32readline-gplv2-devlib32readline6-dev

For Ubuntu 16.04 (xenial) and newer, substitute (additionally see java notes below):

  • libwxgtk2.8-devlibwxgtk3.0-dev
  • openjdk-7-jdkopenjdk-8-jdk

Java versions: Different versions of CyanogenMod require different versions of the JDK (Java Development Kit):

  • CyanogenMod 7 – 9: Sun/Oracle Java SE 1.6
  • CyanogenMod 10.1: Sun/Oracle Java SE 1.6 or 1.7
  • CyanogenMod 10.2 – 11.0: Sun/Oracle Java SE 1.6 or 1.7 (OpenJDK 1.7 works fine, but the build system will display a warning)
  • CyanogenMod 12.0 – 13.0: OpenJDK 1.7 (see note about OpenJDK 1.8 below)
  • CyanogenMod 14.1: OpenJDK 1.8

Ubuntu 16.04 (Xenial Xerus) or newer and OpenJDK: Since OpenJDK 1.7 was removed from the official Ubuntu repositories, you have a couple options:

  1. Obtain OpenJDK 1.7 from the openjdk-r PPA
  2. Enable experimental OpenJDK 1.8 support in CyanogenMod 13.0 (not available in earlier version). To enable OpenJDK 1.8 support, add this line to your $HOME/.bashrc file: export EXPERIMENTAL_USE_JAVA8=true.

Also see which lists needed packages.

Create the directories

You will need to set up some directories in your build environment.

To create them:

$ mkdir -p ~/bin
$ mkdir -p ~/android/system

Install the repo command

Enter the following to download the “repo” binary and make it executable (runnable):

$ curl > ~/bin/repo
$ chmod a+x ~/bin/repo

Put the ~/bin directory in your path of execution

In recent versions of Ubuntu, ~/bin should already be in your PATH. You can check this by opening ~/.profile with a text editor and verifying the following code exists (add it if it is missing):

# set PATH so it includes user's private bin if it exists
if [ -d "$HOME/bin" ] ; then

Initialize the CyanogenMod source repository

Enter the following to initialize the repository:

Note: Make sure the cm branch entered here is the one you wish to build and is supported on your device.
$ cd ~/android/system/
$ repo init -u -b gingerbread

Download the source code

To start the download of all the source code to your computer:

$ repo sync

The CM manifests include a sensible default configuration for repo, which we strongly suggest you use (i.e. don’t add any options to sync). For reference, our default values are -j 4 and -c. The -j 4 part means that there will be four simultaneous threads/connections. If you experience problems syncing, you can lower this to -j 3 or -j 2. -c will ask repo to pull in only the current branch, instead of the entire CM history.

Prepare to wait a long time while the source code downloads.

Helpful Tip

The repo sync command is used to update the latest source code from CyanogenMod and Google. Remember it, as you can do it every few days to keep your code base fresh and up-to-date.

Get prebuilt Rom Manager

$ cd ~/android/system/vendor/cyanogen

then enter:

$ ./get-rommanager

You won’t see any confirmation- just another prompt. But this should cause the Rom Manager apps to be loaded and installed into the source code. Once completed, this does not need to be done again.

Prepare the device-specific code

After the source downloads, ensure you are in the root of the source code (cd ~/android/system), then type:
$ source build/
$ lunch

You should see a list of devices, including something like cm_mesmerizemtd-userdebug. Select it by typing its number. It is possible that lunch does not display your device. In that case try

$ lunch cm_mesmerizemtd-userdebug


$ lunch full_mesmerizemtd-userdebug

If all goes well, you should see that mesmerizemtd-specific directories are downloaded automatically.

Helpful Tip

If you want to know more about what source build/ does or simply want to know more about the breakfast, brunch and lunch commands, you can head over to the Envsetup help page.

Helpful Tip

Instead of typing cd ~/android/system every time you want to return back to the root of the source code, here’s a short command that will do it for you: croot. To use this command, you must first run source build/ from ~/android/system.

Extract proprietary blobs

Now ensure that your Mesmerize is connected to your computer via the USB cable and that you are in the ~/android/system/device/samsung/mesmerizemtd directory (you can cd ~/android/system/device/samsung/mesmerizemtd if necessary). Then run the script:

$ ./

You should see the proprietary files (aka “blobs”) get pulled from the device and moved to the ~/android/system/vendor/samsung directory. If you see errors about adb being unable to pull the files, adb may not be in the path of execution. If this is the case, see the adb page for suggestions for dealing with “command not found” errors.


Your device should already be running a build of CyanogenMod for the branch you wish to build for the script to function properly.


It’s important that these proprietary files are extracted to the ~/android/system/vendor/samsung directory by using the script. Makefiles are generated at the same time to make sure the blobs are eventually copied to the device. Without these blobs, CyanogenMod may build without error, but you’ll be missing important functionality, such as graphics libraries that enable you to see anything!

Turn on caching to speed up build

You can speed up subsequent builds by adding

export USE_CCACHE=1

to your ~/.bashrc file (what’s a .bashrc file?). Then, specify the amount of disk space to dedicate to ccache by typing this from the top of your Android tree:

prebuilt/linux-x86/ccache/ccache -M 50G

where 50G corresponds to 50GB of cache. This only needs to be run once and the setting will be remembered. Anywhere in the range of 25GB to 100GB will result in very noticeably increased build speeds (for instance, a typical 1hr build time can be reduced to 20min). If you’re only building for one device, 25GB-50GB is fine. If you plan to build for several devices that do not share the same kernel source, aim for 75GB-100GB. This space will be permanently occupied on your drive, so take this into consideration. See more information about ccache on Google’s android build environment initialization page.

Helpful Tip

If you are a very active developer, working on many other projects than just Android, you might prefer to keep your Android ccache independent (because it’s huge and can slow down the efficiency of ccache in your other projects). Beginning with CyanogenMod 12.1, you can specify environment variables for the location and size of CyanogenMod’s ccache. Some syntax examples: export ANDROID_CCACHE_DIR="$HOME/android/.ccache" and export ANDROID_CCACHE_SIZE="50G".

Start the build

Time to start building! So now type:

$ croot
$ brunch mesmerizemtd

The build should begin.

Helpful Tip

If the build doesn’t start, try lunch and choose your device from the menu. If that doesn’t work, try breakfast and choose from the menu. The command make mesmerizemtd should then work.

Helpful Tip

A second, bonus tip! If you get a command not found error for croot, brunch, or lunch, be sure you’ve done the source build/ command in this Terminal session from the ~/android/system directory.

Helpful Tip

A third tip! If the build to fails while downloading Gello, you’ll need to import a missing certificate into Maven’s truststore. Detailed instructions on how to do that can be found here

If the build breaks…

  • If you experience this not-enough-memory-related error…
ERROR: signapk.jar failed: return code 1make: *** [out/target/product/mesmerizemtd/] Error 1

…you may want to make the following change to ~/android/system/build/tools/releasetools/

Search for instances of -Xmx2048m (it should appear either under OPTIONS.java_args or near usage of signapk.jar), and replace it with -Xmx1024m or -Xmx512m.

Then start the build again (with brunch).

  • If you see a message about things suddenly being “killed” for no reason, your (virtual) machine may have run out of memory or storage space. Assign it more resources and try again.

Install the build

Assuming the build completed without error (it will be obvious when it finishes), type:

$ cd $OUT

in the same terminal window that you did the build. Here you’ll find all the files that were created. The stuff that will go in /system is in a folder called system. The stuff that will become your ramdisk is in a folder called root. And your kernel is called… kernel.

But that’s all just background info. The two files we are interested in are (1) recovery.img, which contains CyanogenMod Recovery, and (2), which is the CyanogenMod installation package.

Install CyanogenMod

Back to the $OUT directory on your computer– you should see a file that looks something like:


The above file name may vary depending on the version of CM you are building. Your build may not include a version number or may identify itself as a “KANG” rather than UNOFFICIAL version. Regardless, the file name will end in .zip and should be titled similarly to official builds.

Now you can flash the file above as usual via recovery mode. Before doing so, now is a good time to make a backup of whatever installation is currently running on the device in case something goes wrong with the flash attempt. While CyanogenMod Recovery doesn’t have a backup feature, there are other custom recoveries available that do. You can also use something like Titanium Backup (root required) as an alternative.

Success! So….what’s next?

You’ve done it! Welcome to the elite club of self-builders. You’ve built your operating system from scratch, from the ground up. You are the master/mistress of your domain… and hopefully you’ve learned a bit on the way and had some fun too.

Now that you’ve succeeded in building CyanogenMod for your device, here are some suggestions on what to do next.

Also, be sure to take a glance at the Dev Center on this wiki for all kinds of more detailed information about developer topics ranging from collecting logs, understanding what’s in the source code directories, submitting your own contributions, porting CyanogenMod to new devices, and a lot more.

Congrats again!

Content of this page is based on informations from, under CC BY-SA 3.0 licence.

Sony Ericsson Xperia Mini Pro (mango)

Sony Ericsson Xperia Mini Pro ("mango") Cyanogenmod

Cyanogenmod ROM Sony Ericsson Xperia Mini Pro (mango)

Quick Info

Download CyanogenMod

It looks like we don’t have any roms for download for this device. 🙁

Note: Support Status

This device does not support the latest official release of CyanogenMod. This may be due to hardware limitations or simply because development is ongoing. The most recent version supported is based on the jellybean branch of CyanogenMod.


The Sony Ericsson Xperia Mini Pro (aka mango) is a touchscreen slider smartphone manufactured by Sony Ericsson. Official CyanogenMod support for the Sony Ericsson Xperia Mini Pro was added in CyanogenMod 7.1.

Special boot modes

  • Fastboot: Turn of the device. Connect it to the computer with the USB cable, while holding Vol Up. A blue led indicates that the device is in fastboot mode.

Source code

Xperia Mini Pro Specifications
Codename: mango
Also known as: SK17i/SK17a
Vendor: Sony Ericsson
Release date: August 2011 (UK)
Type: phone (slider)
GSM freq: 850 900 1800 1900 MHz GSM/GPRS/EDGE
800 1900 2100 MHz UMTS/HSPA (CANADA)
Platform: Qualcomm MSM8255
CPU: 1 GHz single-core Qualcomm Snapdragon S2
GPU: Qualcomm Adreno 205
RAM: 512MB
Weight: 136 g (4.8 oz)
Dimensions: 92 mm (3.6 in) (h)
53 mm (2.09 in) (w)
18 mm (0.709 in) (d)
Screen size: 76 mm (3.0 in)
Resolution: 480×320 (HVGA)
Screen density: 160PPI
Screen type: TFT LCD
Internal storage: 1 GB
SD Card: up to 32 GB
Bluetooth: Bluetooth 2.1+EDR and A2DP
Wi-Fi: 802.11b/g/n
Main camera: 5 megapixel with LED flash
Secondary camera: VGA
Power: 1500 mAh internal rechargeable removable lithium-ion polymer battery
Peripherals: microUSB, A-GPS, DNLA, capacitive touchscreen, proximity & ambient light sensors, volume controls, 3-axis accelerometer, digital compass, QWERTY keyboard
CM supported: 7, 9, 10
Latest CM version: jellybean

How to Install CyanogenMod on the Sony Ericsson Xperia Mini Pro (mango)


Modifying or replacing your device’s software may void your device’s warranty, lead to data loss, hair loss, financial loss, privacy loss, security breaches, or other damage, and therefore must be done entirely at your own risk. No one affiliated with the CyanogenMod project is responsible for your actions. Good luck.

Important Notes

The Sony Ericsson Xperia Mini Pro (aka mango) is a touchscreen slider smartphone manufactured by Sony Ericsson. Official CyanogenMod support for the Sony Ericsson Xperia Mini Pro was added in CyanogenMod 7.1.

Unlock your Xperia Mini Pro

What does “unlocking” mean?

The first step in putting any custom operating system on your Xperia Mini Pro is to unlock the bootloader. A bootloader is the very first program that runs when you turn on your device. The bootloader initializes some hardware and then loads the kernel and ramdisk, and gets the boot process going. If the bootloader is in locked mode, it will ensure that only the stock operating system can run. Since you will be installing your own operating system (CyanogenMod), you need to turn this off.

To unlock your bootloader, you’ll first need a program on your computer called adb. One way to get adb is to download and install the Android SDK (Software Developer Kit) from Google. The SDK is used by app developers when they’re writing programs for Android, and who knows, you may want to write apps someday.

Install the Android SDK

Download the SDK, per the steps on Google’s web page. Then install it by following the specific instructions for your computer.

Obtaining the Bootloader Unlock Code


Unlocking the bootloader on a Sony device may automatically wipe internal storage; a backup of the sdcard is suggested. It will also irreversibly erase the DRM keys stored in the TA partition of some devices, which will result in the loss of certain proprietary features that may have been included. Check your specific device forum on XDA to learn more.

In order to unlock the bootloader on your Xperia Mini Pro you will need to obtain a code from Sony. The following process will help you acquire this code so that you can flash a custom recovery.

  1. Open the Phone application on the Xperia Mini Pro and enter *#06# to obtain the device’s IMEI, IDID or MEID. Save this for later use.
    • Optional: if you do not have a phone app, the IMEI, IDID or MEID can be found on the box or on the device in Settings -> About Device -> Status.
  2. Put the device into fastboot mode:
    • Turn of the device. Connect it to the computer with the USB cable, while holding Vol Up. A blue led indicates that the device is in fastboot mode.
  3. Open a terminal on the PC and enter fastboot getvar version
    • If you receive the message <waiting for device> fastboot is not configured properly, please see fastboot for more details.
  4. Navigate a browser here
    • Select your device and click the ‘continue’ button at the bottom of the page.
    • Enter your email address, agree to the terms and select ‘Submit’
    • Click the link from your email, enter your IMEI, IDID or MEID and continue
    • The unlock code should now appear, write this down for the next step.
  5. In the PC’s terminal, enter the following command: fastboot oem unlock 0xKEY
    • KEY corresponds to the unlock code you were given.

The Xperia Mini Pro’s bootloader should now be unlocked.

Installing CyanogenMod on Sony Devices

  1. Download the CyanogenMod build package for your device that you’d like to install to your computer.
    Optional: Download 3rd party applications packages, like Google Apps which are necessary to download apps from Google Play.
  2. Extract boot.img from the zip to your computer, you will need this file for fastboot.
  3. Put the phone into fastboot mode:
    Turn of the device. Connect it to the computer with the USB cable, while holding Vol Up. A blue led indicates that the device is in fastboot mode.
  4. Open a terminal on the PC with admin rights, access your platform-tools directory of the Android SDK, and enter the following:
    • fastboot flash boot boot.img
    • fastboot reboot
    While the device reboots, press the Volume rockers a few times to load recovery.
Note: Make the selection below based on the recovery version you see on your screen. If you’re installing CyanogenMod 11, you will have CWM Recovery. If installing CyanogenMod 12.0 or newer, you will have CyanogenMod Recovery.
Click here to continue instructions using CyanogenMod Recovery
Note: Once the device boots into CyanogenMod Recovery, use the physical volume buttons to move up and down. The home button is used to confirm your selection. The recovery is also touch screen friendly, so you can swipe up or down to scroll and tap the item you wish to select.
  1. Optional (Recommended): Using adb you can create a backup on your PC of your apps and app data. Boot the device into android and open a command prompt (or terminal on Mac and Linux) and enter the following:
    • adb backup -apk -all -f backup20161224.ab
    When the backup is complete return to recovery mode.
  2. On the device, select wipe data/factory reset.
  3. You have two options for installing the installation zip packages. (Note: The sideload method requires a recent version of adb to be working in recovery (adb bundled with ubuntu may have protocol errors):
    • Sideload method: Select apply update > apply update from adb. Open a command prompt (or Terminal on Mac and Linux) and enter adb sideload, where should be replaced with the package filename. If you are installing multiple packages, install CyanogenMod first and then install any subsequent packages on top of it. The installer does not necessarily display an “Install complete.” message. You can tell the install is complete if there were no fatal error messages and you have regained control over the menu.
    • Install update method: If you previously placed the installation zip packages on your internal storage, select apply update > choose from internal storage. Navigate to the directory where you placed the packages and select one. If you are installing multiple packages, install CyanogenMod first and then install any subsequent packages on top of it.
  4. Once installation has finished, return to the main menu and select reboot system now. The device will now boot into CyanogenMod.


On all 2011 model Sony devices, the kernel will not update when flashed in recovery, so the kernel must be updated via fastboot every time you flash a new build of CyanogenMod.

Click here to continue instructions using CWM Recovery
Note:Once the device boots into ClockworkMod Recovery, use the physical volume buttons to move up and down. The home button is used to confirm your selection.
  1. Optional (Recommended): Select backup and restore to create a backup of your current ROM.
  2. Select wipe data/factory reset. If you get an error formatting /data, try format /data and /data/media from the mounts and storage menu
  3. You have two options for transferring and installing the installation zip packages. Both cases require a recent version of adb to be working in recovery (adb bundled with ubuntu may have protocol errors). The sideload method is more universal across devices, whereas the push and install method is more commonly used:
    • Sideload method: select install zip > install zip from sideload. Follow the on-screen notices to install the package. The installer does not necessarily display an “Install complete.” message. You can tell the install is complete if there were no fatal error messages and you have regained control over the menu.
    • Push and install method: Open a command prompt (or Terminal on Mac and Linux) and navigate to the directory holding the package(s) you would like to install. On the device, navigate to the mounts and storage menu. If you see /storage/sdcard0 as a mountable volume, go ahead and mount it. If you do not see this directory, then instead mount the /data directory. Take note of which volume you mounted. Now, push the package(s) to your device:
    – If you mounted /storage/sdcard0, then: adb push /storage/sdcard0/
    – If you mounted /data, then: adb push /sdcard/0/
    where should be replaced with the package filename. Go back to the main menu and select install zip. Choose to install from the same directory where you pushed the package(s). If you are installing multiple packages, install CyanogenMod first and then install any subsequent packages on top of it.
  4. Once installation has finished, return to the main menu and select reboot system now. The device will now boot into CyanogenMod.


On all 2011 model Sony devices, the kernel will not update when flashed in recovery, so the kernel must be updated via fastboot every time you flash a new build of CyanogenMod.

Helpful Tip

See something wrong on this page? Click here: Report a Site Problem.

How To Build CyanogenMod For Sony Ericsson Xperia Mini Pro (mango)


These instructions will hopefully assist you to start with a stock Xperia Mini Pro, unlock the bootloader (if necessary), and then download the required tools as well as the very latest source code for CyanogenMod (based on Google’s Android operating system). Using these, you can build both CyanogenMod and CyanogenMod Recovery image from source code, and then install them both to your device.

It is difficult to say how much experience is necessary to follow these instructions. While this guide is certainly not for the very very very uninitiated, these steps shouldn’t require a PhD in software development either. Some readers will have no difficulty and breeze through the steps easily. Others may struggle over the most basic operation. Because people’s experiences, backgrounds, and intuitions differ, it may be a good idea to read through just to ascertain whether you feel comfortable or are getting over your head.

Remember, you assume all risk of trying this, but you will reap the rewards! It’s pretty satisfying to boot into a fresh operating system you baked at home :) And once you’re an Android-building ninja, there will be no more need to wait for “nightly” builds from anyone. You will have at your fingertips the skills to build a full operating system from code to a running device, whenever you want. Where you go from there– maybe you’ll add a feature, fix a bug, add a translation, or use what you’ve learned to build a new app or port to a new device– or maybe you’ll never build again– it’s all really up to you.

What you’ll need

  • A Xperia Mini Pro
  • A relatively recent computer (Linux, OS X, or Windows) with a reasonable amount of RAM and about 100 GB of free storage (more if you enable ccache or build for multiple devices). The less RAM you have, the longer the build will take (aim for 8 GB or more). Using SSDs results in considerably faster build times than traditional hard drives.
  • A USB cable compatible with the Xperia Mini Pro (typically micro USB, but older devices may use mini USB or have a proprietary cable)
  • A decent internet connection & reliable electricity :)
  • Some familiarity with basic Android operation and terminology. It would help if you’ve installed custom roms on other devices and are familiar with recovery. It may also be useful to know some basic command line concepts such as cd for “change directory”, the concept of directory hierarchies, that in Linux they are separated by /, etc.

If you are not accustomed to using Linux– this is an excellent chance to learn. It’s free– just download and run a virtual machine (VM) such as Virtualbox, then install a Linux distribution such as Ubuntu (AOSP vets Ubuntu as well). Any recent 64-bit version should work great, but the latest is recommended.


You want to use a 64-bit version of Linux. A 32-bit Linux environment will only work if you are building CyanogenMod 6 and older. For CyanogenMod 10.1, if you encounter issues with 64bit host binaries, you can set BUILD_HOST_32bit=1 in your environment. This is generally not needed, though, especially with CyanogenMod 10.2 and newer.

Using a VM allows Linux to run as a guest inside your host computer– a computer in a computer, if you will. If you hate Linux for whatever reason, you can always just uninstall and delete the whole thing. (There are plenty of places to find instructions for setting up Virtualbox with Ubuntu, so I’ll leave it to you to do that.)

So let’s begin!

Build CyanogenMod and CyanogenMod Recovery

Prepare the Build Environment


You only need to do these steps the first time you build. If you previously prepared your build environment and have downloaded the CyanogenMod source code for another device, skip to Prepare the device-specific code.

Install the SDK

If you have not previously installed adb and fastboot, install the Android SDK. “SDK” stands for Software Developer Kit, and it includes useful tools that you can use to flash software, look at the system logs in real time, grab screenshots, and more– all from your computer.

Helpful Tip

While the SDK contains lots of different things– the two tools you are most interested in for building Android are adb and fastboot, located in the /platform-tools directory.

Install the Build Packages

Several “build packages” are needed to build CyanogenMod. You can install these using the package manager of your choice.

Helpful Tip

A package manager in Linux is a system used to install or remove software (usually originating from the Internet) on your computer. With Ubuntu, you can use the Ubuntu Software Center. Even better, you may also use the apt-get install command directly in the Terminal. (Learn more about the apt packaging tool system from Wikipedia.)

For both 32-bit & 64-bit systems, you’ll need:

bc bison build-essential curl flex git gnupg gperf libesd0-dev liblz4-tool libncurses5-dev libsdl1.2-dev libwxgtk2.8-dev libxml2 libxml2-utils lzop maven openjdk-7-jdk pngcrush schedtool squashfs-tools xsltproc zip zlib1g-dev

In addition to the above, for 64-bit systems, get these:

g++-multilib gcc-multilib lib32ncurses5-dev lib32readline-gplv2-dev lib32z1-dev

For Ubuntu 15.10 (wily) and newer, substitute:

  • lib32readline-gplv2-devlib32readline6-dev

For Ubuntu 16.04 (xenial) and newer, substitute (additionally see java notes below):

  • libwxgtk2.8-devlibwxgtk3.0-dev
  • openjdk-7-jdkopenjdk-8-jdk

Java versions: Different versions of CyanogenMod require different versions of the JDK (Java Development Kit):

  • CyanogenMod 7 – 9: Sun/Oracle Java SE 1.6
  • CyanogenMod 10.1: Sun/Oracle Java SE 1.6 or 1.7
  • CyanogenMod 10.2 – 11.0: Sun/Oracle Java SE 1.6 or 1.7 (OpenJDK 1.7 works fine, but the build system will display a warning)
  • CyanogenMod 12.0 – 13.0: OpenJDK 1.7 (see note about OpenJDK 1.8 below)
  • CyanogenMod 14.1: OpenJDK 1.8

Ubuntu 16.04 (Xenial Xerus) or newer and OpenJDK: Since OpenJDK 1.7 was removed from the official Ubuntu repositories, you have a couple options:

  1. Obtain OpenJDK 1.7 from the openjdk-r PPA
  2. Enable experimental OpenJDK 1.8 support in CyanogenMod 13.0 (not available in earlier version). To enable OpenJDK 1.8 support, add this line to your $HOME/.bashrc file: export EXPERIMENTAL_USE_JAVA8=true.

Also see which lists needed packages.

Create the directories

You will need to set up some directories in your build environment.

To create them:

$ mkdir -p ~/bin
$ mkdir -p ~/android/system

Install the repo command

Enter the following to download the “repo” binary and make it executable (runnable):

$ curl > ~/bin/repo
$ chmod a+x ~/bin/repo

Put the ~/bin directory in your path of execution

In recent versions of Ubuntu, ~/bin should already be in your PATH. You can check this by opening ~/.profile with a text editor and verifying the following code exists (add it if it is missing):

# set PATH so it includes user's private bin if it exists
if [ -d "$HOME/bin" ] ; then

Initialize the CyanogenMod source repository

Enter the following to initialize the repository:

Note: Make sure the cm branch entered here is the one you wish to build and is supported on your device.
$ cd ~/android/system/
$ repo init -u -b jellybean

Download the source code

To start the download of all the source code to your computer:

$ repo sync

The CM manifests include a sensible default configuration for repo, which we strongly suggest you use (i.e. don’t add any options to sync). For reference, our default values are -j 4 and -c. The -j 4 part means that there will be four simultaneous threads/connections. If you experience problems syncing, you can lower this to -j 3 or -j 2. -c will ask repo to pull in only the current branch, instead of the entire CM history.

Prepare to wait a long time while the source code downloads.

Helpful Tip

The repo sync command is used to update the latest source code from CyanogenMod and Google. Remember it, as you can do it every few days to keep your code base fresh and up-to-date.

Get prebuilt apps (CM11 and below)


$ cd ~/android/system/vendor/cm

then enter:

$ ./get-prebuilts

You won’t see any confirmation- just another prompt. But this should cause some prebuilt apps to be loaded and installed into the source code. Once completed, this does not need to be done again.

Prepare the device-specific code

Helpful Tip – Errors during breakfast

Different maintainers setup their device inheritance rules differently. Some require a vendor directory to be populated before breakfast will even succeed. If you receive an error here about vendor makefiles, then jump down to the next section Extract proprietary blobs. The first portion of breakfast should have succeeded at pulling in the device tree and the extract blobs script should be available. After completing that section, you can rerun breakfast mango

After the source downloads, ensure you are in the root of the source code (cd ~/android/system), then type:

$ source build/
$ breakfast mango

This will download the device specific configuration and kernel source for your device. An alternative to using the breakfast command is to build your own local manifest. To do this, you will need to locate your device on CyanogenMod’s GitHub and list all of the repositories defined in cm.dependencies in your local manifest.

Helpful Tip

If you want to know more about what source build/ does or simply want to know more about the breakfast, brunch and lunch commands, you can head over to the Envsetup help page.

Helpful Tip

Instead of typing cd ~/android/system every time you want to return back to the root of the source code, here’s a short command that will do it for you: croot. To use this command, you must first run source build/ from ~/android/system.

Extract proprietary blobs

Now ensure that your Xperia Mini Pro is connected to your computer via the USB cable and that you are in the ~/android/system/device/semc/mango directory (you can cd ~/android/system/device/semc/mango if necessary). Then run the script:

$ ./

You should see the proprietary files (aka “blobs”) get pulled from the device and moved to the ~/android/system/vendor/semc directory. If you see errors about adb being unable to pull the files, adb may not be in the path of execution. If this is the case, see the adb page for suggestions for dealing with “command not found” errors.


Your device should already be running a build of CyanogenMod for the branch you wish to build for the script to function properly.


It’s important that these proprietary files are extracted to the ~/android/system/vendor/semc directory by using the script. Makefiles are generated at the same time to make sure the blobs are eventually copied to the device. Without these blobs, CyanogenMod may build without error, but you’ll be missing important functionality, such as graphics libraries that enable you to see anything!

Turn on caching to speed up build

You can speed up subsequent builds by adding

export USE_CCACHE=1

to your ~/.bashrc file (what’s a .bashrc file?). Then, specify the amount of disk space to dedicate to ccache by typing this from the top of your Android tree:

prebuilts/misc/linux-x86/ccache/ccache -M 50G

where 50G corresponds to 50GB of cache. This only needs to be run once and the setting will be remembered. Anywhere in the range of 25GB to 100GB will result in very noticeably increased build speeds (for instance, a typical 1hr build time can be reduced to 20min). If you’re only building for one device, 25GB-50GB is fine. If you plan to build for several devices that do not share the same kernel source, aim for 75GB-100GB. This space will be permanently occupied on your drive, so take this into consideration. See more information about ccache on Google’s android build environment initialization page.

Helpful Tip

If you are a very active developer, working on many other projects than just Android, you might prefer to keep your Android ccache independent (because it’s huge and can slow down the efficiency of ccache in your other projects). Beginning with CyanogenMod 12.1, you can specify environment variables for the location and size of CyanogenMod’s ccache. Some syntax examples: export ANDROID_CCACHE_DIR="$HOME/android/.ccache" and export ANDROID_CCACHE_SIZE="50G".

Start the build

Time to start building! So now type:

$ croot
$ brunch mango

The build should begin.

Helpful Tip

If the build doesn’t start, try lunch and choose your device from the menu. If that doesn’t work, try breakfast and choose from the menu. The command make mango should then work.

Helpful Tip

A second, bonus tip! If you get a command not found error for croot, brunch, or lunch, be sure you’ve done the source build/ command in this Terminal session from the ~/android/system directory.

Helpful Tip

A third tip! If the build to fails while downloading Gello, you’ll need to import a missing certificate into Maven’s truststore. Detailed instructions on how to do that can be found here

If the build breaks…

  • If you experience this not-enough-memory-related error…
ERROR: signapk.jar failed: return code 1make: *** [out/target/product/mango/] Error 1

…you may want to make the following change to ~/android/system/build/tools/releasetools/

Search for instances of -Xmx2048m (it should appear either under OPTIONS.java_args or near usage of signapk.jar), and replace it with -Xmx1024m or -Xmx512m.

Then start the build again (with brunch).

  • If you see a message about things suddenly being “killed” for no reason, your (virtual) machine may have run out of memory or storage space. Assign it more resources and try again.

Install the build

Assuming the build completed without error (it will be obvious when it finishes), type:

$ cd $OUT

in the same terminal window that you did the build. Here you’ll find all the files that were created. The stuff that will go in /system is in a folder called system. The stuff that will become your ramdisk is in a folder called root. And your kernel is called… kernel.

But that’s all just background info. The two files we are interested in are (1) recovery.img, which contains CyanogenMod Recovery, and (2), which is the CyanogenMod installation package.

Install CyanogenMod

Back to the $OUT directory on your computer– you should see a file that looks something like:


The above file name may vary depending on the version of CM you are building. Your build may not include a version number or may identify itself as a “KANG” rather than UNOFFICIAL version. Regardless, the file name will end in .zip and should be titled similarly to official builds.

Now you can flash the file above as usual via recovery mode. Before doing so, now is a good time to make a backup of whatever installation is currently running on the device in case something goes wrong with the flash attempt. While CyanogenMod Recovery doesn’t have a backup feature, there are other custom recoveries available that do. You can also use something like Titanium Backup (root required) as an alternative.

Success! So….what’s next?

You’ve done it! Welcome to the elite club of self-builders. You’ve built your operating system from scratch, from the ground up. You are the master/mistress of your domain… and hopefully you’ve learned a bit on the way and had some fun too.

Now that you’ve succeeded in building CyanogenMod for your device, here are some suggestions on what to do next.

Also, be sure to take a glance at the Dev Center on this wiki for all kinds of more detailed information about developer topics ranging from collecting logs, understanding what’s in the source code directories, submitting your own contributions, porting CyanogenMod to new devices, and a lot more.

Congrats again!

Content of this page is based on informations from, under CC BY-SA 3.0 licence.

HTC Aria (liberty)

HTC Aria ("liberty") Cyanogenmod

Cyanogenmod ROM HTC Aria (liberty)

Quick Info

Download CyanogenMod

It looks like we don’t have any roms for download for this device. 🙁

Note: Support Status

This device does not support the latest official release of CyanogenMod. This may be due to hardware limitations or simply because development is ongoing. The most recent version supported is based on the gingerbread branch of CyanogenMod.

Special boot modes

  • Recovery: Vol Down & Power then select recovery

Source code

Aria Specifications
Codename: liberty
Vendor: HTC
Manufacturer: HTC
Release date: 2010 June 20 (USA)
Type: phone
GSM freq: 850 900 1800 1900 MHz GSM/GPRS/EDGE

850 1900 MHz UMTS/HSPA (USA)
900 2100 MHz UMTS/HSPA (ASIA)

Platform: Qualcomm MSM7227
CPU: 600 MHz single-core Qualcomm
RAM: 384MB
Weight: 115 g (4.1 oz)
Dimensions: 104 mm (4.1 in) (h)
58.4 mm (2.3 in) (w)
11.7 mm (0.46 in) (d)
Screen size: 81 mm (3.2 in)
Resolution: 480×320
Screen density: 180 ppi
Screen type: TFT LCD
Internal storage: 512MB
SD Card: yes
Bluetooth: 2.1+EDR w A2DP Stereo
Wi-Fi: (802.11b/g)
Main camera: 5MP
Power: 1200 mAh internal, rechargeable, removable lithium-ion battery
Peripherals: micro-USB, A-GPS, FM Radio, capacitive touchscreen display, digital compass, proximity and ambient light sensors, optical joystick, volume controls, 3-axis accelerometer
CM supported: 7
Latest CM version: gingerbread

How to Install CyanogenMod on the HTC Aria (liberty)


Modifying or replacing your device’s software may void your device’s warranty, lead to data loss, hair loss, financial loss, privacy loss, security breaches, or other damage, and therefore must be done entirely at your own risk. No one affiliated with the CyanogenMod project is responsible for your actions. Good luck.

Obtaining S-OFF and installing a custom recovery on the Aria

Certain HTC devices can be exploited via a tool called Revolutionary to obtain S-OFF. The status of your device’s support can be checked at their site. Pay close attention to the HBOOT revision as newer updates break the tool’s ability to work properly. The Revolutionary tool will also install ClockworkMod Recovery.

Supported version(s) of HBOOT for the Aria: 1.02.0000.

  1. Windows Only: Download and install HTC USB drivers v3.0.0.007
    md5: f60771a86c4ad69c8c9c1d158e60e850
  2. Disable Fast Boot on the Aria (not to be confused with fastboot):
    Settings » Power » Fast Boot
    Settings » Applications » Fast Boot
  3. Enable USB debugging:
    Settings » Applications » Development » USB debugging
  4. Connect the Aria to the computer via USB
  5. Find your device’s HBOOT version:
    From a command prompt or terminal, type: adb reboot bootloader
    If your HBOOT version is NOT 1.02.0000, you will need to downgrade. To downgrade your Aria from Gingerbread (Including HBOOT 2.18) to Froyo, so you can root with unrEVOked v3.32 and gain RADIO S-OFF, follow this guide: [[1]]
  6. Write down the serial number of the device:
    If at the bootloader: fastboot devices
    If Android is booted: adb devices
    Alternatively, the serial number can usually be found under the battery
  7. Download Revolutionary 0.4pre4
  8. Fill out the form on the Revolutionary site to get a beta key.
  9. Once you have the beta key, launch the Revolutionary beta (you may need to launch it as root or administrator) and enter in the beta key minding that the key contains both upper- and lower-case letters.
  10. Revolutionary will now attempt to temp-root your device, set S-OFF, and install a custom recovery image. The device will reboot on its own and the entire process should only take a few minutes. If the process takes longer than 15 minutes, reboot the device and attempt again. Some users have had to attempt S-OFF multiple times before achieving success.

NOTE: If you are unable to S-OFF your device, and it is listed as supported by Revolutionary, join the Revolutionary IRC channel for further assistance.

Installing CyanogenMod from recovery

  1. Make sure your computer has working adb.
  2. Download the CyanogenMod build package for your device that you’d like to install to your computer.
    Optional: Download 3rd party applications packages, like Google Apps which are necessary to download apps from Google Play.
  3. Boot to recovery mode, and connect the phone to your computer through USB.
    • Vol Down & Power then select recovery
  4. In ClockworkMod Recovery, use the physical volume buttons to move up and down. On most devices, the power button is used to confirm a menu selection, but for some devices a physical home key acts as a selector. Some devices have touch enabled ClockworkMod Recovery, in which case you may be able to swipe to, or touch, menu selections.
  5. Optional (Recommended): Select backup and restore to create a backup.
  6. Select wipe data/factory reset.
  7. You have two options for transferring and installing the installation packages. The sideload method is more universal across devices, whereas the push and install method is more commonly used:
    • Sideload method: select install zip > install zip from sideload. Follow the on-screen notices to install the package. The installer does not necessarily display an “Install complete.” message. You can tell the install is complete if there were no fatal error messages and you have regained control over the menu.
    • Push and install method: Open a command prompt (or Terminal on Mac and Linux) and navigate to the directory holding the package(s) you would like to install. On the device, navigate to the mounts and storage menu. If you see /storage/sdcard0 or /sdcard as a mountable volume, go ahead and mount it. If you do not see one of these partitions, then instead mount the /data partition. Take note of which volume you mounted. Now, push the package(s) to your device (also, see tip below):
    – If you mounted /storage/sdcard0, then: adb push /storage/sdcard0/
    – If you mounted /sdcard or /data, then: adb push /sdcard/
    where should be replaced with the package filename. Go back to the main menu and select install zip. Choose to install from the same directory where you pushed the package(s). If you are installing multiple packages, install CyanogenMod first and then install any subsequent packages on top of it.
  8. Once installation has finished, return to the main menu and select reboot system now. The device will now boot into CyanogenMod.

Helpful Tip – SD card folders

CyanogenMod 10.1 and newer have multi-user support (introduced in Android 4.2). If your device has storage on the /data partition, then Android actually looks in /data/media/0/ for the first user’s /sdcard/ storage. ClockworkMod recovery symlinks /sdcard/ to /data/media/ though. So, if you are pushing files to internal storage in recovery and want them to be visible in Android, you should push them to /sdcard/0/ or /data/media/0/. Here’s the most frequent scenarios:

  1. If you’re coming from a ROM with Android 4.1 or older to CyanogenMod 10 or older: adb push /sdcard/
  2. If you’re coming from a ROM with Android 4.1 or older to CyanogenMod 10.1 or newer: adb shell "mkdir /sdcard/0/" followed by adb push /sdcard/0/
  3. If you’re coming from a ROM with Android 4.2 or newer to CyanogenMod 10.1 or newer: adb push /sdcard/0/

Helpful Tip

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How To Build CyanogenMod For HTC Aria (liberty)


These instructions will hopefully assist you to start with a stock Aria, unlock the bootloader (if necessary), and then download the required tools as well as the very latest source code for CyanogenMod (based on Google’s Android operating system). Using these, you can build both CyanogenMod and CyanogenMod Recovery image from source code, and then install them both to your device.

It is difficult to say how much experience is necessary to follow these instructions. While this guide is certainly not for the very very very uninitiated, these steps shouldn’t require a PhD in software development either. Some readers will have no difficulty and breeze through the steps easily. Others may struggle over the most basic operation. Because people’s experiences, backgrounds, and intuitions differ, it may be a good idea to read through just to ascertain whether you feel comfortable or are getting over your head.

Remember, you assume all risk of trying this, but you will reap the rewards! It’s pretty satisfying to boot into a fresh operating system you baked at home :) And once you’re an Android-building ninja, there will be no more need to wait for “nightly” builds from anyone. You will have at your fingertips the skills to build a full operating system from code to a running device, whenever you want. Where you go from there– maybe you’ll add a feature, fix a bug, add a translation, or use what you’ve learned to build a new app or port to a new device– or maybe you’ll never build again– it’s all really up to you.

What you’ll need

  • A Aria
  • A relatively recent computer (Linux, OS X, or Windows) with a reasonable amount of RAM and about 100 GB of free storage (more if you enable ccache or build for multiple devices). The less RAM you have, the longer the build will take (aim for 8 GB or more). Using SSDs results in considerably faster build times than traditional hard drives.
  • A USB cable compatible with the Aria (typically micro USB, but older devices may use mini USB or have a proprietary cable)
  • A decent internet connection & reliable electricity :)
  • Some familiarity with basic Android operation and terminology. It would help if you’ve installed custom roms on other devices and are familiar with recovery. It may also be useful to know some basic command line concepts such as cd for “change directory”, the concept of directory hierarchies, that in Linux they are separated by /, etc.

If you are not accustomed to using Linux– this is an excellent chance to learn. It’s free– just download and run a virtual machine (VM) such as Virtualbox, then install a Linux distribution such as Ubuntu (AOSP vets Ubuntu as well). Any recent 64-bit version should work great, but the latest is recommended.


You want to use a 64-bit version of Linux. A 32-bit Linux environment will only work if you are building CyanogenMod 6 and older. For CyanogenMod 10.1, if you encounter issues with 64bit host binaries, you can set BUILD_HOST_32bit=1 in your environment. This is generally not needed, though, especially with CyanogenMod 10.2 and newer.

Using a VM allows Linux to run as a guest inside your host computer– a computer in a computer, if you will. If you hate Linux for whatever reason, you can always just uninstall and delete the whole thing. (There are plenty of places to find instructions for setting up Virtualbox with Ubuntu, so I’ll leave it to you to do that.)

So let’s begin!

Build CyanogenMod and CyanogenMod Recovery

Prepare the Build Environment


You only need to do these steps the first time you build. If you previously prepared your build environment and have downloaded the CyanogenMod source code for another device, skip to Prepare the device-specific code.

Install the SDK

If you have not previously installed adb and fastboot, install the Android SDK. “SDK” stands for Software Developer Kit, and it includes useful tools that you can use to flash software, look at the system logs in real time, grab screenshots, and more– all from your computer.

Helpful Tip

While the SDK contains lots of different things– the two tools you are most interested in for building Android are adb and fastboot, located in the /platform-tools directory.

Install the Build Packages

Several “build packages” are needed to build CyanogenMod. You can install these using the package manager of your choice.

Helpful Tip

A package manager in Linux is a system used to install or remove software (usually originating from the Internet) on your computer. With Ubuntu, you can use the Ubuntu Software Center. Even better, you may also use the apt-get install command directly in the Terminal. (Learn more about the apt packaging tool system from Wikipedia.)

For both 32-bit & 64-bit systems, you’ll need:

bc bison build-essential curl flex git gnupg gperf libesd0-dev liblz4-tool libncurses5-dev libsdl1.2-dev libwxgtk2.8-dev libxml2 libxml2-utils lzop maven openjdk-7-jdk pngcrush schedtool squashfs-tools xsltproc zip zlib1g-dev

In addition to the above, for 64-bit systems, get these:

g++-multilib gcc-multilib lib32ncurses5-dev lib32readline-gplv2-dev lib32z1-dev

For Ubuntu 15.10 (wily) and newer, substitute:

  • lib32readline-gplv2-devlib32readline6-dev

For Ubuntu 16.04 (xenial) and newer, substitute (additionally see java notes below):

  • libwxgtk2.8-devlibwxgtk3.0-dev
  • openjdk-7-jdkopenjdk-8-jdk

Java versions: Different versions of CyanogenMod require different versions of the JDK (Java Development Kit):

  • CyanogenMod 7 – 9: Sun/Oracle Java SE 1.6
  • CyanogenMod 10.1: Sun/Oracle Java SE 1.6 or 1.7
  • CyanogenMod 10.2 – 11.0: Sun/Oracle Java SE 1.6 or 1.7 (OpenJDK 1.7 works fine, but the build system will display a warning)
  • CyanogenMod 12.0 – 13.0: OpenJDK 1.7 (see note about OpenJDK 1.8 below)
  • CyanogenMod 14.1: OpenJDK 1.8

Ubuntu 16.04 (Xenial Xerus) or newer and OpenJDK: Since OpenJDK 1.7 was removed from the official Ubuntu repositories, you have a couple options:

  1. Obtain OpenJDK 1.7 from the openjdk-r PPA
  2. Enable experimental OpenJDK 1.8 support in CyanogenMod 13.0 (not available in earlier version). To enable OpenJDK 1.8 support, add this line to your $HOME/.bashrc file: export EXPERIMENTAL_USE_JAVA8=true.

Also see which lists needed packages.

Create the directories

You will need to set up some directories in your build environment.

To create them:

$ mkdir -p ~/bin
$ mkdir -p ~/android/system

Install the repo command

Enter the following to download the “repo” binary and make it executable (runnable):

$ curl > ~/bin/repo
$ chmod a+x ~/bin/repo

Put the ~/bin directory in your path of execution

In recent versions of Ubuntu, ~/bin should already be in your PATH. You can check this by opening ~/.profile with a text editor and verifying the following code exists (add it if it is missing):

# set PATH so it includes user's private bin if it exists
if [ -d "$HOME/bin" ] ; then

Initialize the CyanogenMod source repository

Enter the following to initialize the repository:

Note: Make sure the cm branch entered here is the one you wish to build and is supported on your device.
$ cd ~/android/system/
$ repo init -u -b gingerbread

Download the source code

To start the download of all the source code to your computer:

$ repo sync

The CM manifests include a sensible default configuration for repo, which we strongly suggest you use (i.e. don’t add any options to sync). For reference, our default values are -j 4 and -c. The -j 4 part means that there will be four simultaneous threads/connections. If you experience problems syncing, you can lower this to -j 3 or -j 2. -c will ask repo to pull in only the current branch, instead of the entire CM history.

Prepare to wait a long time while the source code downloads.

Helpful Tip

The repo sync command is used to update the latest source code from CyanogenMod and Google. Remember it, as you can do it every few days to keep your code base fresh and up-to-date.

Get prebuilt Rom Manager

$ cd ~/android/system/vendor/cyanogen

then enter:

$ ./get-rommanager

You won’t see any confirmation- just another prompt. But this should cause the Rom Manager apps to be loaded and installed into the source code. Once completed, this does not need to be done again.

Prepare the device-specific code

After the source downloads, ensure you are in the root of the source code (cd ~/android/system), then type:
$ source build/
$ lunch

You should see a list of devices, including something like cm_liberty-userdebug. Select it by typing its number. It is possible that lunch does not display your device. In that case try

$ lunch cm_liberty-userdebug


$ lunch full_liberty-userdebug

If all goes well, you should see that liberty-specific directories are downloaded automatically.

Helpful Tip

If you want to know more about what source build/ does or simply want to know more about the breakfast, brunch and lunch commands, you can head over to the Envsetup help page.

Helpful Tip

Instead of typing cd ~/android/system every time you want to return back to the root of the source code, here’s a short command that will do it for you: croot. To use this command, you must first run source build/ from ~/android/system.

Extract proprietary blobs

Now ensure that your Aria is connected to your computer via the USB cable and that you are in the ~/android/system/device/htc/liberty directory (you can cd ~/android/system/device/htc/liberty if necessary). Then run the script:

$ ./

You should see the proprietary files (aka “blobs”) get pulled from the device and moved to the ~/android/system/vendor/htc directory. If you see errors about adb being unable to pull the files, adb may not be in the path of execution. If this is the case, see the adb page for suggestions for dealing with “command not found” errors.


Your device should already be running a build of CyanogenMod for the branch you wish to build for the script to function properly.


It’s important that these proprietary files are extracted to the ~/android/system/vendor/htc directory by using the script. Makefiles are generated at the same time to make sure the blobs are eventually copied to the device. Without these blobs, CyanogenMod may build without error, but you’ll be missing important functionality, such as graphics libraries that enable you to see anything!

Turn on caching to speed up build

You can speed up subsequent builds by adding

export USE_CCACHE=1

to your ~/.bashrc file (what’s a .bashrc file?). Then, specify the amount of disk space to dedicate to ccache by typing this from the top of your Android tree:

prebuilt/linux-x86/ccache/ccache -M 50G

where 50G corresponds to 50GB of cache. This only needs to be run once and the setting will be remembered. Anywhere in the range of 25GB to 100GB will result in very noticeably increased build speeds (for instance, a typical 1hr build time can be reduced to 20min). If you’re only building for one device, 25GB-50GB is fine. If you plan to build for several devices that do not share the same kernel source, aim for 75GB-100GB. This space will be permanently occupied on your drive, so take this into consideration. See more information about ccache on Google’s android build environment initialization page.

Helpful Tip

If you are a very active developer, working on many other projects than just Android, you might prefer to keep your Android ccache independent (because it’s huge and can slow down the efficiency of ccache in your other projects). Beginning with CyanogenMod 12.1, you can specify environment variables for the location and size of CyanogenMod’s ccache. Some syntax examples: export ANDROID_CCACHE_DIR="$HOME/android/.ccache" and export ANDROID_CCACHE_SIZE="50G".

Start the build

Time to start building! So now type:

$ croot
$ brunch liberty

The build should begin.

Helpful Tip

If the build doesn’t start, try lunch and choose your device from the menu. If that doesn’t work, try breakfast and choose from the menu. The command make liberty should then work.

Helpful Tip

A second, bonus tip! If you get a command not found error for croot, brunch, or lunch, be sure you’ve done the source build/ command in this Terminal session from the ~/android/system directory.

Helpful Tip

A third tip! If the build to fails while downloading Gello, you’ll need to import a missing certificate into Maven’s truststore. Detailed instructions on how to do that can be found here

If the build breaks…

  • If you experience this not-enough-memory-related error…
ERROR: signapk.jar failed: return code 1make: *** [out/target/product/liberty/] Error 1

…you may want to make the following change to ~/android/system/build/tools/releasetools/

Search for instances of -Xmx2048m (it should appear either under OPTIONS.java_args or near usage of signapk.jar), and replace it with -Xmx1024m or -Xmx512m.

Then start the build again (with brunch).

  • If you see a message about things suddenly being “killed” for no reason, your (virtual) machine may have run out of memory or storage space. Assign it more resources and try again.

Install the build

Assuming the build completed without error (it will be obvious when it finishes), type:

$ cd $OUT

in the same terminal window that you did the build. Here you’ll find all the files that were created. The stuff that will go in /system is in a folder called system. The stuff that will become your ramdisk is in a folder called root. And your kernel is called… kernel.

But that’s all just background info. The two files we are interested in are (1) recovery.img, which contains CyanogenMod Recovery, and (2), which is the CyanogenMod installation package.

Install CyanogenMod

Back to the $OUT directory on your computer– you should see a file that looks something like:


The above file name may vary depending on the version of CM you are building. Your build may not include a version number or may identify itself as a “KANG” rather than UNOFFICIAL version. Regardless, the file name will end in .zip and should be titled similarly to official builds.

Now you can flash the file above as usual via recovery mode. Before doing so, now is a good time to make a backup of whatever installation is currently running on the device in case something goes wrong with the flash attempt. While CyanogenMod Recovery doesn’t have a backup feature, there are other custom recoveries available that do. You can also use something like Titanium Backup (root required) as an alternative.

Success! So….what’s next?

You’ve done it! Welcome to the elite club of self-builders. You’ve built your operating system from scratch, from the ground up. You are the master/mistress of your domain… and hopefully you’ve learned a bit on the way and had some fun too.

Now that you’ve succeeded in building CyanogenMod for your device, here are some suggestions on what to do next.

Also, be sure to take a glance at the Dev Center on this wiki for all kinds of more detailed information about developer topics ranging from collecting logs, understanding what’s in the source code directories, submitting your own contributions, porting CyanogenMod to new devices, and a lot more.

Congrats again!

Content of this page is based on informations from, under CC BY-SA 3.0 licence.

Categories HTC

Sony Ericsson Xperia Pro (iyokan)

Sony Ericsson Xperia Pro ("iyokan") Cyanogenmod

Cyanogenmod ROM Sony Ericsson Xperia Pro (iyokan)

Quick Info

Download CyanogenMod

It looks like we don’t have any roms for download for this device. 🙁

Note: Support Status

This device does not support the latest official release of CyanogenMod. This may be due to hardware limitations or simply because development is ongoing. The most recent version supported is based on the jellybean branch of CyanogenMod.


The Sony Ericsson Xperia Pro (GSM) (aka iyokan) is a touchscreen smartphone manufactured by Sony Ericsson. Official CyanogenMod support for the Sony Ericsson Xperia Pro (GSM) was added in CyanogenMod 7.1.

Special boot modes

  • Bootloader: Press & hold the Menu button while connecting the device to the computer
  • Fastboot: Press & hold the Menu button while connecting the device to the computer

Source code

Xperia Pro Specifications
Codename: iyokan
Vendor: Sony Ericsson
Release date: 2011 October
Type: phone (slider)
GSM freq: 850 900 1800 1900 MHz GSM/GPRS/EDGE
800 850 1900 2100 MHz UMTS/HSPA+ (CANADA)
Platform: Qualcomm MSM8255
CPU: 1 GHz single-core Qualcomm Snapdragon S2
GPU: Qualcomm Adreno 205
RAM: 512MB
Weight: 142 g (5.0 oz)
Dimensions: 120 mm (4.7 in) (h)
57 mm (2.24 in) (w)
14 mm (0.551 in) (d)
Screen size: 94 mm (3.7 in)
Resolution: 854×480 (FWVGA)
Screen type: TFT LCD
Internal storage: 400MB
SD Card: up to 32GB
Bluetooth: Bluetooth 2.1+EDR w/A2DP
Wi-Fi: 802.11b/g/n
Main camera: 8 megapixel with LED flash
Secondary camera: 0.3 megapixel
Power: 1500 mAh internal rechargeable removable lithium-ion polymer battery
Peripherals: microUSB, A-GPS, DNLA, microHDMI, capacitive touchscreen, proximity & ambient light sensors, volume controls, 3-axis accelerometer, digital compass, touchpad, PSP-esq buttons
CM supported: 7, 9, 10
Latest CM version: jellybean

How to Install CyanogenMod on the Sony Ericsson Xperia Pro (iyokan)


Modifying or replacing your device’s software may void your device’s warranty, lead to data loss, hair loss, financial loss, privacy loss, security breaches, or other damage, and therefore must be done entirely at your own risk. No one affiliated with the CyanogenMod project is responsible for your actions. Good luck.

Important Notes

The Sony Ericsson Xperia Pro (GSM) (aka iyokan) is a touchscreen smartphone manufactured by Sony Ericsson. Official CyanogenMod support for the Sony Ericsson Xperia Pro (GSM) was added in CyanogenMod 7.1.

Unlock your Xperia Pro

What does “unlocking” mean?

The first step in putting any custom operating system on your Xperia Pro is to unlock the bootloader. A bootloader is the very first program that runs when you turn on your device. The bootloader initializes some hardware and then loads the kernel and ramdisk, and gets the boot process going. If the bootloader is in locked mode, it will ensure that only the stock operating system can run. Since you will be installing your own operating system (CyanogenMod), you need to turn this off.

To unlock your bootloader, you’ll first need a program on your computer called adb. One way to get adb is to download and install the Android SDK (Software Developer Kit) from Google. The SDK is used by app developers when they’re writing programs for Android, and who knows, you may want to write apps someday.

Install the Android SDK

Download the SDK, per the steps on Google’s web page. Then install it by following the specific instructions for your computer.

Obtaining the Bootloader Unlock Code


Unlocking the bootloader on a Sony device may automatically wipe internal storage; a backup of the sdcard is suggested. It will also irreversibly erase the DRM keys stored in the TA partition of some devices, which will result in the loss of certain proprietary features that may have been included. Check your specific device forum on XDA to learn more.

In order to unlock the bootloader on your Xperia Pro you will need to obtain a code from Sony. The following process will help you acquire this code so that you can flash a custom recovery.

  1. Open the Phone application on the Xperia Pro and enter *#06# to obtain the device’s IMEI, IDID or MEID. Save this for later use.
    • Optional: if you do not have a phone app, the IMEI, IDID or MEID can be found on the box or on the device in Settings -> About Device -> Status.
  2. Put the device into fastboot mode:
    • Press & hold the Menu button while connecting the device to the computer
  3. Open a terminal on the PC and enter fastboot getvar version
    • If you receive the message <waiting for device> fastboot is not configured properly, please see fastboot for more details.
  4. Navigate a browser here
    • Select your device and click the ‘continue’ button at the bottom of the page.
    • Enter your email address, agree to the terms and select ‘Submit’
    • Click the link from your email, enter your IMEI, IDID or MEID and continue
    • The unlock code should now appear, write this down for the next step.
  5. In the PC’s terminal, enter the following command: fastboot oem unlock 0xKEY
    • KEY corresponds to the unlock code you were given.

The Xperia Pro’s bootloader should now be unlocked.

Installing CyanogenMod on Sony Devices

  1. Download the CyanogenMod build package for your device that you’d like to install to your computer.
    Optional: Download 3rd party applications packages, like Google Apps which are necessary to download apps from Google Play.
  2. Extract boot.img from the zip to your computer, you will need this file for fastboot.
  3. Put the phone into fastboot mode:
    Press & hold the Menu button while connecting the device to the computer
  4. Open a terminal on the PC with admin rights, access your platform-tools directory of the Android SDK, and enter the following:
    • fastboot flash boot boot.img
    • fastboot reboot
    While the device reboots, press the Volume rockers a few times to load recovery.
Note: Make the selection below based on the recovery version you see on your screen. If you’re installing CyanogenMod 11, you will have CWM Recovery. If installing CyanogenMod 12.0 or newer, you will have CyanogenMod Recovery.
Click here to continue instructions using CyanogenMod Recovery
Note: Once the device boots into CyanogenMod Recovery, use the physical volume buttons to move up and down. The home button is used to confirm your selection. The recovery is also touch screen friendly, so you can swipe up or down to scroll and tap the item you wish to select.
  1. Optional (Recommended): Using adb you can create a backup on your PC of your apps and app data. Boot the device into android and open a command prompt (or terminal on Mac and Linux) and enter the following:
    • adb backup -apk -all -f backup20161224.ab
    When the backup is complete return to recovery mode.
  2. On the device, select wipe data/factory reset.
  3. You have two options for installing the installation zip packages. (Note: The sideload method requires a recent version of adb to be working in recovery (adb bundled with ubuntu may have protocol errors):
    • Sideload method: Select apply update > apply update from adb. Open a command prompt (or Terminal on Mac and Linux) and enter adb sideload, where should be replaced with the package filename. If you are installing multiple packages, install CyanogenMod first and then install any subsequent packages on top of it. The installer does not necessarily display an “Install complete.” message. You can tell the install is complete if there were no fatal error messages and you have regained control over the menu.
    • Install update method: If you previously placed the installation zip packages on your internal storage, select apply update > choose from internal storage. Navigate to the directory where you placed the packages and select one. If you are installing multiple packages, install CyanogenMod first and then install any subsequent packages on top of it.
  4. Once installation has finished, return to the main menu and select reboot system now. The device will now boot into CyanogenMod.


On all 2011 model Sony devices, the kernel will not update when flashed in recovery, so the kernel must be updated via fastboot every time you flash a new build of CyanogenMod.

Click here to continue instructions using CWM Recovery
Note:Once the device boots into ClockworkMod Recovery, use the physical volume buttons to move up and down. The home button is used to confirm your selection.
  1. Optional (Recommended): Select backup and restore to create a backup of your current ROM.
  2. Select wipe data/factory reset. If you get an error formatting /data, try format /data and /data/media from the mounts and storage menu
  3. You have two options for transferring and installing the installation zip packages. Both cases require a recent version of adb to be working in recovery (adb bundled with ubuntu may have protocol errors). The sideload method is more universal across devices, whereas the push and install method is more commonly used:
    • Sideload method: select install zip > install zip from sideload. Follow the on-screen notices to install the package. The installer does not necessarily display an “Install complete.” message. You can tell the install is complete if there were no fatal error messages and you have regained control over the menu.
    • Push and install method: Open a command prompt (or Terminal on Mac and Linux) and navigate to the directory holding the package(s) you would like to install. On the device, navigate to the mounts and storage menu. If you see /storage/sdcard0 as a mountable volume, go ahead and mount it. If you do not see this directory, then instead mount the /data directory. Take note of which volume you mounted. Now, push the package(s) to your device:
    – If you mounted /storage/sdcard0, then: adb push /storage/sdcard0/
    – If you mounted /data, then: adb push /sdcard/0/
    where should be replaced with the package filename. Go back to the main menu and select install zip. Choose to install from the same directory where you pushed the package(s). If you are installing multiple packages, install CyanogenMod first and then install any subsequent packages on top of it.
  4. Once installation has finished, return to the main menu and select reboot system now. The device will now boot into CyanogenMod.


On all 2011 model Sony devices, the kernel will not update when flashed in recovery, so the kernel must be updated via fastboot every time you flash a new build of CyanogenMod.

Helpful Tip

See something wrong on this page? Click here: Report a Site Problem.

How To Build CyanogenMod For Sony Ericsson Xperia Pro (iyokan)


These instructions will hopefully assist you to start with a stock Xperia Pro, unlock the bootloader (if necessary), and then download the required tools as well as the very latest source code for CyanogenMod (based on Google’s Android operating system). Using these, you can build both CyanogenMod and CyanogenMod Recovery image from source code, and then install them both to your device.

It is difficult to say how much experience is necessary to follow these instructions. While this guide is certainly not for the very very very uninitiated, these steps shouldn’t require a PhD in software development either. Some readers will have no difficulty and breeze through the steps easily. Others may struggle over the most basic operation. Because people’s experiences, backgrounds, and intuitions differ, it may be a good idea to read through just to ascertain whether you feel comfortable or are getting over your head.

Remember, you assume all risk of trying this, but you will reap the rewards! It’s pretty satisfying to boot into a fresh operating system you baked at home :) And once you’re an Android-building ninja, there will be no more need to wait for “nightly” builds from anyone. You will have at your fingertips the skills to build a full operating system from code to a running device, whenever you want. Where you go from there– maybe you’ll add a feature, fix a bug, add a translation, or use what you’ve learned to build a new app or port to a new device– or maybe you’ll never build again– it’s all really up to you.

What you’ll need

  • A Xperia Pro
  • A relatively recent computer (Linux, OS X, or Windows) with a reasonable amount of RAM and about 100 GB of free storage (more if you enable ccache or build for multiple devices). The less RAM you have, the longer the build will take (aim for 8 GB or more). Using SSDs results in considerably faster build times than traditional hard drives.
  • A USB cable compatible with the Xperia Pro (typically micro USB, but older devices may use mini USB or have a proprietary cable)
  • A decent internet connection & reliable electricity :)
  • Some familiarity with basic Android operation and terminology. It would help if you’ve installed custom roms on other devices and are familiar with recovery. It may also be useful to know some basic command line concepts such as cd for “change directory”, the concept of directory hierarchies, that in Linux they are separated by /, etc.

If you are not accustomed to using Linux– this is an excellent chance to learn. It’s free– just download and run a virtual machine (VM) such as Virtualbox, then install a Linux distribution such as Ubuntu (AOSP vets Ubuntu as well). Any recent 64-bit version should work great, but the latest is recommended.


You want to use a 64-bit version of Linux. A 32-bit Linux environment will only work if you are building CyanogenMod 6 and older. For CyanogenMod 10.1, if you encounter issues with 64bit host binaries, you can set BUILD_HOST_32bit=1 in your environment. This is generally not needed, though, especially with CyanogenMod 10.2 and newer.

Using a VM allows Linux to run as a guest inside your host computer– a computer in a computer, if you will. If you hate Linux for whatever reason, you can always just uninstall and delete the whole thing. (There are plenty of places to find instructions for setting up Virtualbox with Ubuntu, so I’ll leave it to you to do that.)

So let’s begin!

Build CyanogenMod and CyanogenMod Recovery

Prepare the Build Environment


You only need to do these steps the first time you build. If you previously prepared your build environment and have downloaded the CyanogenMod source code for another device, skip to Prepare the device-specific code.

Install the SDK

If you have not previously installed adb and fastboot, install the Android SDK. “SDK” stands for Software Developer Kit, and it includes useful tools that you can use to flash software, look at the system logs in real time, grab screenshots, and more– all from your computer.

Helpful Tip

While the SDK contains lots of different things– the two tools you are most interested in for building Android are adb and fastboot, located in the /platform-tools directory.

Install the Build Packages

Several “build packages” are needed to build CyanogenMod. You can install these using the package manager of your choice.

Helpful Tip

A package manager in Linux is a system used to install or remove software (usually originating from the Internet) on your computer. With Ubuntu, you can use the Ubuntu Software Center. Even better, you may also use the apt-get install command directly in the Terminal. (Learn more about the apt packaging tool system from Wikipedia.)

For both 32-bit & 64-bit systems, you’ll need:

bc bison build-essential curl flex git gnupg gperf libesd0-dev liblz4-tool libncurses5-dev libsdl1.2-dev libwxgtk2.8-dev libxml2 libxml2-utils lzop maven openjdk-7-jdk pngcrush schedtool squashfs-tools xsltproc zip zlib1g-dev

In addition to the above, for 64-bit systems, get these:

g++-multilib gcc-multilib lib32ncurses5-dev lib32readline-gplv2-dev lib32z1-dev

For Ubuntu 15.10 (wily) and newer, substitute:

  • lib32readline-gplv2-devlib32readline6-dev

For Ubuntu 16.04 (xenial) and newer, substitute (additionally see java notes below):

  • libwxgtk2.8-devlibwxgtk3.0-dev
  • openjdk-7-jdkopenjdk-8-jdk

Java versions: Different versions of CyanogenMod require different versions of the JDK (Java Development Kit):

  • CyanogenMod 7 – 9: Sun/Oracle Java SE 1.6
  • CyanogenMod 10.1: Sun/Oracle Java SE 1.6 or 1.7
  • CyanogenMod 10.2 – 11.0: Sun/Oracle Java SE 1.6 or 1.7 (OpenJDK 1.7 works fine, but the build system will display a warning)
  • CyanogenMod 12.0 – 13.0: OpenJDK 1.7 (see note about OpenJDK 1.8 below)
  • CyanogenMod 14.1: OpenJDK 1.8

Ubuntu 16.04 (Xenial Xerus) or newer and OpenJDK: Since OpenJDK 1.7 was removed from the official Ubuntu repositories, you have a couple options:

  1. Obtain OpenJDK 1.7 from the openjdk-r PPA
  2. Enable experimental OpenJDK 1.8 support in CyanogenMod 13.0 (not available in earlier version). To enable OpenJDK 1.8 support, add this line to your $HOME/.bashrc file: export EXPERIMENTAL_USE_JAVA8=true.

Also see which lists needed packages.

Create the directories

You will need to set up some directories in your build environment.

To create them:

$ mkdir -p ~/bin
$ mkdir -p ~/android/system

Install the repo command

Enter the following to download the “repo” binary and make it executable (runnable):

$ curl > ~/bin/repo
$ chmod a+x ~/bin/repo

Put the ~/bin directory in your path of execution

In recent versions of Ubuntu, ~/bin should already be in your PATH. You can check this by opening ~/.profile with a text editor and verifying the following code exists (add it if it is missing):

# set PATH so it includes user's private bin if it exists
if [ -d "$HOME/bin" ] ; then

Initialize the CyanogenMod source repository

Enter the following to initialize the repository:

Note: Make sure the cm branch entered here is the one you wish to build and is supported on your device.
$ cd ~/android/system/
$ repo init -u -b jellybean

Download the source code

To start the download of all the source code to your computer:

$ repo sync

The CM manifests include a sensible default configuration for repo, which we strongly suggest you use (i.e. don’t add any options to sync). For reference, our default values are -j 4 and -c. The -j 4 part means that there will be four simultaneous threads/connections. If you experience problems syncing, you can lower this to -j 3 or -j 2. -c will ask repo to pull in only the current branch, instead of the entire CM history.

Prepare to wait a long time while the source code downloads.

Helpful Tip

The repo sync command is used to update the latest source code from CyanogenMod and Google. Remember it, as you can do it every few days to keep your code base fresh and up-to-date.

Get prebuilt apps (CM11 and below)


$ cd ~/android/system/vendor/cm

then enter:

$ ./get-prebuilts

You won’t see any confirmation- just another prompt. But this should cause some prebuilt apps to be loaded and installed into the source code. Once completed, this does not need to be done again.

Prepare the device-specific code

Helpful Tip – Errors during breakfast

Different maintainers setup their device inheritance rules differently. Some require a vendor directory to be populated before breakfast will even succeed. If you receive an error here about vendor makefiles, then jump down to the next section Extract proprietary blobs. The first portion of breakfast should have succeeded at pulling in the device tree and the extract blobs script should be available. After completing that section, you can rerun breakfast iyokan

After the source downloads, ensure you are in the root of the source code (cd ~/android/system), then type:

$ source build/
$ breakfast iyokan

This will download the device specific configuration and kernel source for your device. An alternative to using the breakfast command is to build your own local manifest. To do this, you will need to locate your device on CyanogenMod’s GitHub and list all of the repositories defined in cm.dependencies in your local manifest.

Helpful Tip

If you want to know more about what source build/ does or simply want to know more about the breakfast, brunch and lunch commands, you can head over to the Envsetup help page.

Helpful Tip

Instead of typing cd ~/android/system every time you want to return back to the root of the source code, here’s a short command that will do it for you: croot. To use this command, you must first run source build/ from ~/android/system.

Extract proprietary blobs

Now ensure that your Xperia Pro is connected to your computer via the USB cable and that you are in the ~/android/system/device/semc/iyokan directory (you can cd ~/android/system/device/semc/iyokan if necessary). Then run the script:

$ ./

You should see the proprietary files (aka “blobs”) get pulled from the device and moved to the ~/android/system/vendor/semc directory. If you see errors about adb being unable to pull the files, adb may not be in the path of execution. If this is the case, see the adb page for suggestions for dealing with “command not found” errors.


Your device should already be running a build of CyanogenMod for the branch you wish to build for the script to function properly.


It’s important that these proprietary files are extracted to the ~/android/system/vendor/semc directory by using the script. Makefiles are generated at the same time to make sure the blobs are eventually copied to the device. Without these blobs, CyanogenMod may build without error, but you’ll be missing important functionality, such as graphics libraries that enable you to see anything!

Turn on caching to speed up build

You can speed up subsequent builds by adding

export USE_CCACHE=1

to your ~/.bashrc file (what’s a .bashrc file?). Then, specify the amount of disk space to dedicate to ccache by typing this from the top of your Android tree:

prebuilts/misc/linux-x86/ccache/ccache -M 50G

where 50G corresponds to 50GB of cache. This only needs to be run once and the setting will be remembered. Anywhere in the range of 25GB to 100GB will result in very noticeably increased build speeds (for instance, a typical 1hr build time can be reduced to 20min). If you’re only building for one device, 25GB-50GB is fine. If you plan to build for several devices that do not share the same kernel source, aim for 75GB-100GB. This space will be permanently occupied on your drive, so take this into consideration. See more information about ccache on Google’s android build environment initialization page.

Helpful Tip

If you are a very active developer, working on many other projects than just Android, you might prefer to keep your Android ccache independent (because it’s huge and can slow down the efficiency of ccache in your other projects). Beginning with CyanogenMod 12.1, you can specify environment variables for the location and size of CyanogenMod’s ccache. Some syntax examples: export ANDROID_CCACHE_DIR="$HOME/android/.ccache" and export ANDROID_CCACHE_SIZE="50G".

Start the build

Time to start building! So now type:

$ croot
$ brunch iyokan

The build should begin.

Helpful Tip

If the build doesn’t start, try lunch and choose your device from the menu. If that doesn’t work, try breakfast and choose from the menu. The command make iyokan should then work.

Helpful Tip

A second, bonus tip! If you get a command not found error for croot, brunch, or lunch, be sure you’ve done the source build/ command in this Terminal session from the ~/android/system directory.

Helpful Tip

A third tip! If the build to fails while downloading Gello, you’ll need to import a missing certificate into Maven’s truststore. Detailed instructions on how to do that can be found here

If the build breaks…

  • If you experience this not-enough-memory-related error…
ERROR: signapk.jar failed: return code 1make: *** [out/target/product/iyokan/] Error 1

…you may want to make the following change to ~/android/system/build/tools/releasetools/

Search for instances of -Xmx2048m (it should appear either under OPTIONS.java_args or near usage of signapk.jar), and replace it with -Xmx1024m or -Xmx512m.

Then start the build again (with brunch).

  • If you see a message about things suddenly being “killed” for no reason, your (virtual) machine may have run out of memory or storage space. Assign it more resources and try again.

Install the build

Assuming the build completed without error (it will be obvious when it finishes), type:

$ cd $OUT

in the same terminal window that you did the build. Here you’ll find all the files that were created. The stuff that will go in /system is in a folder called system. The stuff that will become your ramdisk is in a folder called root. And your kernel is called… kernel.

But that’s all just background info. The two files we are interested in are (1) recovery.img, which contains CyanogenMod Recovery, and (2), which is the CyanogenMod installation package.

Install CyanogenMod

Back to the $OUT directory on your computer– you should see a file that looks something like:


The above file name may vary depending on the version of CM you are building. Your build may not include a version number or may identify itself as a “KANG” rather than UNOFFICIAL version. Regardless, the file name will end in .zip and should be titled similarly to official builds.

Now you can flash the file above as usual via recovery mode. Before doing so, now is a good time to make a backup of whatever installation is currently running on the device in case something goes wrong with the flash attempt. While CyanogenMod Recovery doesn’t have a backup feature, there are other custom recoveries available that do. You can also use something like Titanium Backup (root required) as an alternative.

Success! So….what’s next?

You’ve done it! Welcome to the elite club of self-builders. You’ve built your operating system from scratch, from the ground up. You are the master/mistress of your domain… and hopefully you’ve learned a bit on the way and had some fun too.

Now that you’ve succeeded in building CyanogenMod for your device, here are some suggestions on what to do next.

Also, be sure to take a glance at the Dev Center on this wiki for all kinds of more detailed information about developer topics ranging from collecting logs, understanding what’s in the source code directories, submitting your own contributions, porting CyanogenMod to new devices, and a lot more.

Congrats again!

Content of this page is based on informations from, under CC BY-SA 3.0 licence.